
FINANCIAL AIDS INFORMATION It is the des ire of Bio la Co ll ege, within the limit s o f its resources , to provide financ ial ass istance to all needy students , espec iall y those who, without such aid , woul d not be abl e to atte nd Bio la Co ll ege. The Office of Student Financ ia l Services offers counse li ng and ass istance in ascerta ining t he mos t appropri ate fo rms of fin anc ial aid fo r each student. Most fin anc ial a id awards are based o n demo nstrated fi nanc ia l need . APPLICATION FOR AID Who May File? All studen ts and prospec ti ve students who wish to be considered fo r financ ial a id , inc lud ing scho lar­ ships, fo r any po rti on of the coming academic year , must fil e the required doc uments by April I . An applicati on to the Califo rni a State Scho lars hip Commi ss ion fo r a scl) o lars hip is required of all Ca li fo rni a res idents. (Any excepti on to thi s must be dea lt w ith indi vidu all y by the Office of S tudent F inanc ial Services). What to File? A Bio/a Financial Assistance Application must be comple ted. Forms are ava il able in the Office of Student F inanc ia l Services . PCS or SFS . The Parents' Confidentia l Stateme nt (PCS) or the Student 's Financ ial Statement (SFS) is req uired of a ll applicants fo r aid. (A st ude nt may fil e a SFS and be considered indepe nd ent o nl y if he has not been c la imed by hi s parent s fo r tax purposes, he has not rece ived mo re tha n $600 from hi s paren ts in the pas t yea r , and he has not li ved with hi s pare nt s for the past twe lve mo nths fo r mo re than two weeks a t a time .) PCS ' sand SFS ' s are ava ilabl e in the Student F inanc ia l Ser vices Office o r from hi gh schoo l co unselo rs and should be compl eted and mail ed to the Co ll ege Scho lars hi p Serv ice (CSS), P. 0 . Box 150 1, Be rke ley , Ca li fo rni a 9470 I by mid- Februar y (fo r non-Ca li fo rni a res idents) and by the Ca li fo rni a State Scho larship Commiss ion ' s due date (usuall y late November) for Cali fo rni a res idents. Students shoul d indicate tha t a need ana lys is be sent to Bio la Co ll ege--40 I7-and State Scho larship and Loan Comm iss ion-0024 , fo r Cali fo rni a res ident s. Cal ifornia Stare Scholarship applicati o ns are avail abl e in the Office o f Student Financ ia l Services and must be ma il ed to the Cali fo rni a State Scho lars hip & Loan Commi ss ion , 14 10 Fi fth St. , Sac rame nto, Califo rni a, 958 14 , by the No vember dead line to be considered fo r the fo ll owing fal l. Departmental applications for scholarships (for music, athl eti cs , and fo rensics), are avail abl e from departments onl y. For example , w rite to the Cha irman , Mus ic Department , Bio la Co ll ege.


Awards are made by the Scho larship Committee to students meeting academic a nd personal require­ ments . Scholarships rang ing from $ I00 upward are g ive n for a period of one year , and in most cases are renewable if the student co ntinues to meet requireme nts and funds are ava ilabl e. Biota Scholarships inc lude academic, honor , meritorious service, and pres identia l awards. Ac ademic : $200 to $800. 3 .3 G.P.A. required , based upon academic achievement and financ ial need .


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