Honor: $1 ,000 to each recipient , divided equall y among me n and women. 3.75 G .P .A. required for e ntering freshmen , 3 .60 G. P.A . required for co ntinuing Biol a students based upon academic achievement and persona l qualificati ons . Consideration may be given to fin anc ial status . Meritorious Service Award: $300 to $600 . 2. 50 minimum G .P .A. required. Thi s award is reserved for students whose G .P .A. is no t outstanding , but who exce l in a particular fi e ld. Pres ident ' s Award: $2, 000.
Senior standing with inte nti on to graduate at the end o f the school year required , alo ng with a minimum 3 .60 G .P.A. , atte ndance at Biol a fo r at least two years, as well as pe rsonal qualifications.
Music A1Vards are made by the Music Departme nt to music maj ors with hi gh-perfo rmance and scho lastic capabilities ranging from $300 to $ I ,200. The scho larship must be used for the area in whi ch the applic ant auditi oned , and the student is expec ted to use hi s judgment in parti c ipation of outs ide ac tivities , so that a maximum o f his time may be devo ted to mus ic. Music scholarship rec ipi ents are also required to partic ipate in an e nsembl e ac tivity . Athlet ic Scholarships are o ffered to students who demo nstrate outstanding ability and achi evement in a parti cul ar sport. Forensics Scholarships are offered to parti c ipants on the schoo l' s debate team. Students awarded this scho larship are not necessaril y communi cati ons maj ors. Nursing Scholarships are avail abl e to dec lared nurs ing majors onl y . The scho larship is based on need , rathe r than academic achie veme nt. Qu alified nursing students may rece ive up to $ 1,500 per year. Nursing loans are a lso ava il abl e. California State Scholarships are made ava ilabl e to hundreds o f students (res idents of Californi a) each yea r who have a hi gh grade po int average and who sco re hi gh on the Scho las tic Aptitude Tes t. Awards a re usuall y g ive n fo r full tui t ion; however , fin anc ial need is given prime considerati on. Applicati on must be made in November fo r parti c ipati on in the fo ll ow ing September. Students must reques t that SAT scores be sent by the Co ll ege Ent rance Examinati on Board (CEEB) to the Commi ss ion . Fina lists will be notified and will be req uired to fil e a PCS or SFS before rece iving the award . Students who have rece ived a state scho larship fo r the prev ious year will be sent automati call y renewa l applications during the spring semes ter. In add iti on to those offered by the Co ll ege, othe r scho larships are prov ided through the generos ity o f donors. These inc lude the Les Barne tt. Jean Bernard, A lbert Ke ll ey, McB ride-Loe . Brandt , Jana Hammo nd, Elllma John son , Go rdon Jo hnson , Geo rge May r , Hun t Je nne Ambrose, Layne Founda ti on , and Walter Ho ng Scholars hips . Ques ti ons co ncerning these awards should be referred to the Director of Stud ent Financ ial Servi ces . Grants Grant s are fi nanc ia l awards that do not have to be repa id, but the amounts a student rece ives is based so le ly on hi s fin anc ia l need as determined by stand ard fina nc ial a id po li c ies. The Basic Educa tional Opporrunity Grants (BEOG) Program is a Federal Prog ram whi ch is des igned to lay a bas ic educa ti ona l grant fo und ati on fo r students qu alifying fo r it. It must be applied fo r o n a spec ia l applicati on ava il abl e at the local Post Off ice or the Office o f S tudent Fina nc ia l Services. The Supplementary Educa tio11al Opportuniry Grant (SEOG) Prog ram supported by the federal gove rnme nt. is des igned to he lp needy student s . A stude nt" s financia l need must exceed half the cost o f hi s education to qua li fy. These grants range fro lll $200 to $ 1000 pe r year , but the amount ca nnot exceed o ne- half the total a id given to a student. (For exampl e, if he rece ives $700 EOG , he must a lso rece ive a $700 loan , scho lars hip , or combinati on o f bo th .) The amount a pa rent can contribute to the stude nt' s ex pe nses is also used in computing hi s EOG e lig ibility.
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