Student Services
GUIDANCE In the Department of Student Services, a ll functions are related to assisting the studen t develop to hi s fu ll est potential. It is recogn ized that educati on does not take place exc lusively in the c lassroom; therefore , Biola attempts to a id the student by prov iding necessary serv ices in areas other than academic. All matters re lating to hous ing, hea lth services , fina nc ial a id, career gu idance, grad uate placement, discipline, adv isement to student organizat ions and student pub! icati ons, campus ac tivities, new student orientati on , counse ling and tes ting, and research relating to students at Bio la are the responsibility of the Dean of Student Affairs. The objec tives of the counselin g program have been interrelated with the disciplinary system of the schoo l. A minimum number of rul es is combined with instruction in Chris ti an principles of conduct for the purpose of e ncouraging student s toward mature se lf-guidenace. The Counse ling Center provides free counse ling service for a ll Biola st udents. This inc ludes personal counse ling, group counse l ing, pre-marital and academic counseli ng. Psychological and vocational testing are ava il able. Tutoring servi ce is a lso offered th rough the Counse ling Cente r for a modest fee. The co ll ege offers assistance in career guid ance and placement through the Counse ling Cente r. The student is counse led and offered a wide variety of tests to ass ist him in dealing wi th prob lems in the educationa l and vocationa l areas and in personal and soc ia l problems related to these areas and to give guid ance in career planning. Pl acement services include info rmati on re lating to avai lab le jobs and oppo rtunities to make co ntacts with potential employers in industry , government , Christian organi zati ons, and the profess ions. RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS All unmar ried stude nts und er 2 1 yea rs o f age are expected to live in the res idence ha ll s if they are e nro ll ed for ten ( I0) units or more and if they are not livin g with the ir parents. Upper d ivis ion students may be asked to secure off-campu s hous ing if the demand for dorm it ory space is greater than the capac ity. Off-campus housing (not wi th o ne ·sown fam il y) must be approved by the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs prior to registration. Liv ing in the residence ha ll s is governed by regulations designed to promote harmony and well-be ing amo ng the res idents. Cooperati on in these regulati ons is important in ma intai ning one's studen t status. THE RESIDENCE HALLS Rooms accommodate two students and are equ ipped with individual s tud y desks, s ingle beds, and indi vidua l wardrobe c lose ts and ches t of drawers. Each res idence ha ll has laundry rooms equipped w ith metered washing machines and dr ie rs . Students are expected to suppl y their own linens (s heets, pillow cases, and towels), blankets, bedspreads , and e lectr ic i-rons , but no cooking equipment is a ll owed in the residence ha ll rooms. Each dormitory unit is supervi sed by a qua!ified Head Resident aided by Residen t Assistants, who are specia ll y se lected upper div ision students. All students li ving in the res ide nce halls take the ir meals in the co ll ege cafete ria.
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