
Student Activities

DEVOTIONAL LIFE The Co ll ege feels the sp iritual li fe of the indi vidual stude nt in the midst of a program o f study to be of utmost importance . The stud ents meet daily, Monday through Friday. for a ha lf-hour c hape l service with worship a nd pra ise as the primary purpose. The chapel programs inc lude speakers chosen from facu lty . alumni. student s a nd visiting gues ts, mus ica l g roups, Christian films , drama and other spec ia l events. Each semester. soon a fter c lasses a re in progress, the re is Spiritual Emphas is Week. Once eac h semester the school observes a pl anned Day of Prayer. and informal praye r groups meet as a regul ar part of dormitory life. The Torrey Memorial Bible Co nference and the Mi ss ionary Conference are hi gh points in the deve lopme nt of the sp iritu al life of the student. Attendance is requ ired at a ll o f these events . STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION The Srudent Mi ss ionary Union (SMU) o f Bi o la Co ll ege is an ac tive chapte r of the Student Foreign Missions Fe ll owship , a national orga ni zat ion of s tudents who are look ing fo rwa rd to foreign missio­ nary serv ice. The Student Miss ionary Uni on is a student o rgani zati on of wh ich every student of Biola Co ll ege is a member. A major function of SMU is to provide oppo rtuniti es fo r students to share their fa ith in Chri st by vari ous means of evange li sm. The SMU Gospe l Teams sing and speak in churches, co ll eges, hi gh schoo ls, and youth camps . Approx imate ly 200 students serve Chri st week ly in East Los Ange les , Watts. La Mirada. and the surroundi ng v ic inity . ln additi on to thi s. many student s are se nt overseas to ma intain prac ti cal summe r mini stries with experie nced missionaries. Once each week SMU sponsors the chapel program by whi ch stud ents are c hall enged with miss ion o ppo rtunities. By arranging for miss ionary speake rs, financing missio nary projects of several thousa nd do llars each yea r. presenting the a nnu al Mi ss ionary Conference and o rgani z ing mi ss iona ry prayer groups, stud ents are made aware of wo rldwide mi ss iona ry needs. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS The Associated Students o f Biola Co ll ege. of whi ch a ll stud ents are members, has as its stated purpose : .. to coo rdinate stude nt affa irs a nd to promote the inte rest and welfare of the stude nts.·' The Assoc ia ted Student s· Coun c il is composed of twenty membe rs from the exec uti ve and leg is lative branches of the government. The Counc il inc ludes from the exec uti ve branch the Pres ide nt. Yice­ Pres idcnt , Business Manage r , and Sec retary . Within the leg is lative branch the re are the pres ide nts of several orga ni za tio ns: Student Mi ss ionary Union a nd each c lass . The leg is lati ve branch a lso inc ludes Board Chairme n (Athl etics, Soc ia l Affairs and Traditions, Publi c Eve nt s, Co ll ege Unio n. Publi ca ti o ns). a Parli ame ntari a n , three Rep rese ntatives -at-large. a Men's rep rese nta ti ve, and a Wome n's represe nta ti ve. A five-member Judic ial Board ex is ts to rev iew decisions made by Counc il. Members of the Associated Students' Counc il have the ir offices located in the Co ll ege Union Building . They co nvene weekly to discuss business , reso lve co nflic ts of inte res t . and initi ate programs. Apart from the spec ifi c functions of Boa rd Chairmen and Organization pres idents, Counc il members are responsibl e for fo rmalized dialogue with the admini strati on and faculty of the co llege in co nvey ing the co nsensus o f the stude nts . Also a Courier of coming events is published week ly and sec retarial services are provided for a ll organi za tion s through the Assoc iated Students' Offices. The Associated Students are responsibl e for three chape ls a week a nd an lnte r-C lub Counc il , consisting of represe nt ati ves from each c lub on campus .


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