STUDENT PUBLICATIONS The Student Body sponso rs three student pub lications: a week ly newspaper , the BIOLA CHIM ES; a yearbook, the BIOLAN , and an annual literary arts publication , SELAH. These serve to keep a reco rd of schoo l life and to prov ide furthe r opportu nity for student c reati vity and express ion . KING'S DAUGHTERS AND BIOLA MEN The wome n of the schoo l are bound toget her in a spiritu a l fe ll owship known as the King 's Daughters , whi ch promotes fellowsh ip and friendship. They plan var ious means of becoming acquainted and conduct evening meetings in the residence hall s. The corresponding organi zati on for the men of the schoo l is known as Biota Men. Their program is sim ilar to that of the King's Daughters. ATHLETICS Inte rco ll eg iate athl eti cs at Biota Co ll ege provide me n and women wit h inte rest and ab ility in ath le ti cs an oppo rtunity to compete w ith ot her institu ti ons of hi gher ed ucat ion whose size and athletic policies arc s imil ar. Interco ll egia te competi ti on for men is conducted in the fo ll ow ing sports: baseball. basketball, cross-cou ntry, wrestling, soccer, tennis, and track and field. Women compe te wit h ot her co ll eges in baske tba ll , softball , te nni s , and vo ll eyball. Intramural act iv ities are organized in both team a nd indi vidual sports for men and women who do not have the interest. abi lit y , o r time fo r varsity teams, but who desire well-pl anned physical activ it y and sport s competiti on. FORENSICS Biota Co ll ege is an active member of the Pacific Southwest Co ll eg ia te Forensic Association. The Biola fore ns ic squad regularly attend s the intercollegiate speech tournaments spo nsored by thi s organ izat ion. In addition, students a lso represent Biota Co ll ege in ot her major tourname nts through out the Western States. STUDENT MINISTRY A distinguishing feature of Biola Co ll ege is its emphasis o n Student Ministry whi ch g ives the st udent pract ical exper ie nce through a program of in-service training and Christ ian character development. At present, student s serve in mo re than 300 ch urches in Southern California. Opportunities are provided in gospel teams. youth directorships, hosp itals , re leased time ed ucation c lasses. Ju venil e Hall. Chil d Evange li sm. and o ther act iv iti es. Wh il e e nrolled at Biola the student is g iven the privil ege of express ing hi s preference in Chri stian outreach and is e ncouraged to accept the oppo rtunity whi ch best suits his desires a nd ab iliti es . Each studen t is expected to devote a minimum of three hours each week in his assigned area. Completi o n of one assignment for each semester is necessary to sat isfy graduat ion requirements.
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