
Description of Courses


*History and Geography *Mathematical Sc iences


*M iss ions

*Bible and Doctrine *Biological Science



*Busi ness Administration


and Economics

*Phys ical Ed ucat ion, Recreation ,

*Chri stian Educati on *Commun ications

and Athletics

*Physical Science Political Science

*Ed uc ation

*Eng lish

Foreign Languages * Psychology *Soc io logy NOTE: Interdepartmental majors are offered in Humanities and Social Science. *Denotes departments offering a major .

NUMBERING OF COURSES Courses numbered 100 to 299 are primarily for freshmen and sophomores. Courses numbered 300 to 499 are primarily fo r juniors and seni ors. Sophomores who wish to enro ll in courses numbered 300 to 399 must secure the permission of their faculty advisor and the Registrar. Juniors who wish to enro ll in courses numbered 400 to 499 must sec ure the same permission. In general , odd- numbered courses are given in the fall , and even-numbered courses are offered in the spri ng . Courses end ing in zero are usuall y offered each semes ter . The units of credit are indicated by the number in parentheses after each course titl e. The co ll ege reserves the right to withdraw any courses for which there is insuffic ient registration.


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