Department of Anthro-Linguistics
301 GENERAL CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY (3) Nature of c ulture; cultural growth and hi sto ry; the range o f c ultural phonemena , inc luding material culture, soc ia l o rga ni zati on, re lig ion, language , and re lated topi cs. 303 ETHNOLOGY (3) Princ ipal c ulture types and the ir distributi on; d iscuss ion o f e thno logical probl ems; techniques of anal yzing a culture . 304 PEOPLES OF AFRICA (3) Nati ve c ultures o f Africa outh of the Sahara; cultu ral hi story , di vers ity , and probl ems in c ultural adjustme nt in modern Afri ca . Alternate years, offered I975-76 . 305 PEOPLES OF ASIA (3) A desc riptive and compa rative study of the peopl e of China , Japan , India , and Southeast Asia , with emphas is o n arts , cus toms , re lig ion , and soc ial struc ture . Alte rnate years, offered 1976-77 . 306 PEOPLES OF THE AMERICAS (3) Cultu ra l survey o f the Indians of the Americas and desc ripti on of se lec ted cultures representa ti ve of d iffere nt areas before and afte r contac t w ith Wes te rn countries . 307 PEOPLES OF THE PACIFIC (3) The ind igenous cultures o f Po lynes ia , Me lanes ia , Micro nes ia , Malaysia , and Aust ralia . Alte rnate yea rs . o ffered 1976-77. 311 GENERAL LINGUISTICS (3) Descripti ve and hi sto rical study o f language : linguistic ana lys is , language c lass ificati on, language in its cultural and soc ia l settings . 312 PHONETICS (3) The sc ie nce o f the arti c ul ate sounds o f human speech; the cl ass ificati on, reproduc ti on , and proper reco rding o f speech sound s; princ ipl es o f phone ti c cha nge . Altern ate yea rs , o ffered 1975-76 . 315 GENERAL PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY (3) Orig in a nd a ntiquity of man ; c riteria of race and rac ia l c lass ificati on; current rac ia l theo ries and race probl ems. 411 PHONOLOGY (3) Properties of phono log ical systems; feature and compone nt anal ys is ; emphas is on methods of reduc ing non- Indo-European languages to writing. Prerequis ite : 3 11 , 3 12 . 415, 416 MORPHOLOGY AND SYNTAX (3 , 3) Several fo rms o f g rammars ; principl es of word and se ntence formati on. 421 RELIGION IN ANTHROPOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE (3) Re lig ion (emphas is on non-Western ) from an a nth ropo logical pe rspec ti ve. Prerequi site: any 300-309 course. 422 ETHNOLINGUISTICS (3) Areas of commo n concern for a nthropo logy and lingui stics. Fo lkl ore , bilingua lism , trans lation , language and logic, indigenous mus ic . Prerequis ites: 30 I and 3 11.
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