Department of Art
Associate Professor : Zamora (chairman) Assis tant Professor: Logan Instructor: Grebe
Objectives : The objective of the Art Department is to develop adequate foundationa l understanding and skill in the various forms of art ex press ion, preparatory to advanced study , a profess ional career in art , or art education. Department Major: 50 units of Art of whi ch 34 are spec ified requirements (see department for listing). The remaining I6 units are art elect ives in an area of spec iali zati on under the direction of the department. Department Major with Education Emphasis : 38 units of Art. (Pl ease consult with Education Department and major advisor.) - Department Major wi1h Adver1isi11g Design Emphasis: 50 units of art of which 32 are spec ific requirements: 6 units are specified upper division core courses in communi cat ions , and 12 units of Art/Communi cati ons electives. Department Minor: The student must compl ete lower division courses 100 , 103 , I IO and 6 units or e lec tives , plus 6 units of upper division courses totaling 20 units. 100 ART INTRODUCTION (3) Designed to promote an appreciat ion of painting, sculpture , and architecture, as we ll as the graphics, industri al, and decorative arts; comparat ive st udy of styles, periods, and artists. 103 DRAWING I ~ .3 Basic drawing to stud y form, perspective, and composition . Fee $ I 0 .00 . 104 CRAFTS (3) Introductory stud ies in vari ous forms of handicrafts , incl uding sil k screening , tex til es, sta ined glass, leather , and weaving. Fee $ 10 .00. 105 PAINTING I (3) Painting in o il , problems using st ill life. Prerequisite: I 03 or consent. Eit her semes ter . Fee $ 10.00 110 DESIGN I (3) Problems invo lving the basic e lements of design . Fee $10 .00 115 CERAMICS I (3) Basic techniques of c lay handling and g lazing. Fee $ 10.00 120 SCULPTURE I (3) Introductory problems in 3-d ime nsional expression, including carvi ng , modeling , and casting. Fee $10.00. 200 DESIGN II (3) A continuation of Design I I 0, with problems in co lor , compos ition , and re nder ing . Prerequisite : I IO or co nsent. Fee $ I 0.00 . 204 THREE-DIMENSIONAL DESIGN (3) Studio projects in vest igati ng the principles of three-dimensional design in var ious media. Fee $ 10 .00 . 206 DRAWING II (3) Co ntinuation of Drawing I studying st ill life and model in various med ia. Prerequisite: I03 or consent. Fee $ 15.00.
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