
207 LETTERING (3) Basic styles of lettering; practice in pen and brush lettering; display signs , and manuscript projects. 208 PRINTMAKING I (3) Introduction to fine arts printmaking processes including woodcut, linoleum block , collage print and serigraphy. Prerequisite: 103 or consent. Fee: $ 10.00. 301 ART HISTORY I (3) Survey of anc ient and medieval art; emphas is on works of architectu re , sculpture, and painting and their significance in general world c ulture . (3) Hi storical and cultural considerat ion of vis ual ar t from the Renaissance to the present. 304 CERAMICS II (3) Advanced stud ies in techniques of ceramics , including use of kiln. Prerequisite: I I5 or consent. Fee $ 10.00 . 305 SCULPTURE II (3) Advanced studies in sculpture wit h emphasis on student research and ex_perimenta tion . Prerequisite: 120 or consent. Fee $10.00 . 306 ELEMENTARY ART WORKSHOP (2) Developing and preparing ar t projects suitable for elementary schoo l pupils. Fee$ 10.00. 308 PAINTING II (3) Pictorial problems in various techniques of painting. Prerequisite : Art I 03 , I 05, I IO or consent. Fee $10.00. 309 WATERCOLOR (3) Painting of sti ll life and landscape. Prerequisite: 103, or consent. Alternate years , offered 1975-76. Fee $ 10.00 . 310 PORTRAIT (3) The model in various media with emphasis on composition. Prerequisite: 103, 110, 206, or consent. Alternate years , offered I975-76. Fee $ I5.00. 311 PRINTMAKING II (3) Advanced stud ies in fine art printmaking of etching, drypoint. engraving, and lithography. Prerequis­ ite : 208 or consent. Fee: $ 10.00. 313 ADVERTISING DESIGN I (3) Introducti on to design principles, communication and skills in graphic art design as appl ied to visual communication. Prerequisite: 110, 200 , 204 , or consent. Fee: $10.00. 314 ADVERTI S ING II (3) 302 ART HISTORY II Problems of adverti sing layout and graphi c techniques in advertising design; techniques and materials applied to projects, package and brochure des ign. Prerequisite: 3 13 or consent. Fee: $ 10 .00 . 400 STUDIES IN ART HISTORY (3) Philosophical and criti cal studies in var ious specialized areas of periods of art, both hi storical and con temporary. 410 SEMINAR IN ART (1-4) Independent study in areas of concentration under faculty direction with emphasis in history , studio, and creative research. Areas of concentrat ion : Two-dimensional (Draw ing , Painting , Design), Three-dimensional (Ceram ics and Sculpture), Advert ising Design . May be repeated. Prerequisite: Consent. Fee $ 10.00.


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