
Department of Bible and Doctrine

Professors : Chri sti an, Kurtaneck , McNeely (cha irman) Assoc iate Professors: Cook , Ebeling , Flory, Kwas t, Mitchell Assistant Professors: Brown , S., Morosco Instruc tor: Kirk

Objecrive: The objective o f the Bible Department is to train the student in the reverent and effective use of the Bibl e for persona l life , evangelism , and public min istry. To this end three methods of Bible stud y are employed. The synthe ti c method of Bibl e study is designed to enab le the stud ent to obtain a broad view of the contents of Scr ipture. see ing each book as a whole and its re lat io n to the othe r books. The ana lyt ical me thod first co ns iders a book as a unit in the light of its authorship , purpose , and theme, a nd then outlines the conte nts to show the rel ati onship of each part o t the who le . The expos itory method instructs the student in se tting fo rth in de tail the fullness of the divine truth . "BIBLE FOR GRADUATES" PROGRAM There is a recognized need for a spec iali zed program in Bibi ical studies for the co ll ege or profess iona l school graduate who wishes to be be tter prepared for Chri st ian service. Bio la offers such a course of stud y. This course is not intended as a substitute for theo log ical seminary ed ucati on or a Bibl e Institute diploma program. but to give the graduate who has not had a so lid fo und ation in the Word of God such a found ation. This course , leadin g to a certificate upon sati sfactory compl etion , is designed to impart to the grad uate student sound Bibi ica l know ledge through the three principal systems o f Bible stud y: survey , anal ys is, and ex pos iti on. It is inte nded tha t thi s course ofsrud y will fos te r independe nt stud y of the Word. In the event that the student has had any of the required courses in thi s program , appropriate substitutions may be made. It is be lie ved that the thirty units required in thi s program will give the student a broad backgro und in a relatively short period of time . A course of study lead ing to the Maste r of Arts degree is avai lab le through Biola' s gradu ate school of theo logy , Talbot Theo logical Seminary. Please see the Talbo t catal og for details. Premajor Requirements: Greek IO I , I 02. Department Major: Bibl e majors must take the lower divi s ion Bible courses required of all students. These a re 10 I , 102 , 20 I , o r 303, 202, and Doc trine I 00. In addition , maj ors must take I 03 and 24 upper divi sion units , inc luding 300 , 302 , 401 , 402, and Doc trine 303. 304 , and 407. Required support ing courses are Hi story 428 or Sociology 404; Greek 20 I , 202; Chri stian Educati on 200. BIBLE 101 EARLY HEBREW HISTORY (3) Genesi s through Deuteronomy; introductory problems of authorship, sources , and historical acc ura­ cy; synthetic presentation of the co ntent o f each book. 102 LATER HEBREW HISTORY (3) Biblical history from Joshua through Esther; Hebrew poe ti c form and literary devices of the poeti c books. 103 PROPHETIC LITERATURE I-SURVEY (3) Old Testament prophetic sec tion ; co nte nt , interpretation , and hi storical re lations of each book. 105 TYPOLOGY (2) Old Testament types in Genes is , Exodus, and Leviticus; the Tabernacle, offerings a nd feast s, emphasizing the spiritual lessons which can be applied to personal life .


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