
106 CHAPTER SUMMARY (2) Int roduc ti on , demo nstra ti on , and use o f the Chapt er Summar y method of Bibl e stud y in se lec ted books of the Bibl e with applicati on o f the tex t to var ious phases of the Chri s itan li fe. 201 NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE I (3) L ite rature o f the fo ur gospels; use o f nar rati ve , hi storical me thod , sources , autho rshi p . and content of each gos pel ; the synopti c probl em and co ntributi on o f each gos pe l to know ledge o f Chri st . 202 NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE II (3) All epi stl es di scussed in re lati on to e pi sto lary fo rm , co nte nt . theo log ica l contributi on , canoni c ity. and inte rpre ta ti o n; hi sto rica l background in comparison with the book o f Ac ts. 300 EARLY CHRISTIAN HISTORY-ACTS (3) The book of Ac ts with emphas is on the m iss ionary phil osoph y a nd ac ti v ity o f the early church a nd it s curre nt applicati on . 302 ANALYSIS OF THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS (3) An a na lys is o f the text with emph as is upo n doc tri ne and sp iritu al truths . 303 NEW TESTAMENT HISTORY I-CHRIST (3) An hi storica l treatment of the li fe and message o f Jesus Chri st as recorded in the gos pe ls in the light of the bac kg round co nd iti ons o f that time. 304 NEW TESTAMENT HISTORY II-PAUL (3) The life and journeys of the apos tl e Paul and hi s contribu tio n to the spread of the gos pe l from Pa les tine to the ce nter of the Roman Empire. Alte rn ate years. offered I976-77. 305 THE GENERAL EPISTLES (3) A verse -by-verse stud y of the epi stl es of James, I and 11 ; Pe ter , I , 11 , and ill ; Jo hn ; and Jude. Altern ate yea rs. o ffered 1976-77. 306 THE PASTORAL EPISTLES (2) A defense of the authe ntici ty o f the epi stl es to Ti mot hy a nd T itu s , toge ther with a study of the ir contents . parti cularl y in re lati on to church o rder and the impo rtance o f sound teaching. Altern ate years, offered 1976 -77 . 307 THE CORINTHIAN EPISTLES (3) The backg round of the Corinthi an corres pondence and a verse-by-verse expos ition of the co ntents . Alternate years, offered 1975-76. 308 THE PRISON EPISTLES (3) The · teaching of these related epi stl es as it perta ins to the New Tes tament church and the Iife o f the believer. Altern ate yea rs, o ffered 1976-77 . 309 BIBLICAL BACKGROUNDS (2) A geog raphi cal survey of the anc ie nt Bibl e wor ld . together with a stud y of customs and manne rs in Bibl e times. Alte rnate years , offered 1975-76 . 311 THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW (2) A de ta il ed stud y o f thi s gos pe l w ith emphas is upo n its vi ta l place in doc trin a l a nd d is pe nsa ti onal stud y. Alte rnate years, offered 1975- 76. 312 THE GOSPEL OF JOHN (2) An ex pos iti on o f the gos pe l; it s distinc ti ve contributi on to evange lism and Chri sto logy. Alte rnate yea rs, offered 1975-76. 400 INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY (2) Study of and deve lo pme nt o f the skill o f induc ti ve s tudy applied to Biblical narrati ve and epi sto l­ ary Iite ratu re.


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