401 (2) Exposition of the epistle, indicating not on ly the specific details of interpretation , but also the theological thought and structure of the book. 402 EXPOSITION OF REVELATION (2) Exposition of the book of Revelation with emphasis upon principles of interpretation , harmoniza tion of the prophetic Scriptures, and method in expository teaching and preaching. 404 PROPHETIC LITERATURE II-MESSIANIC (3) EXPOSITION OF HEBREWS An inductive study of the Old Testament Messianic passages and their fulfillment in the person of Jesus; extra-Bi blical materials that contr ibute to the subject cons idered. Alternate years , offered 1975-76. 406 PROPHETIC LITERATURE Ill-EZEKIEL AND DANIEL (3) The historical background of these two important prophetic books examined; the structure and scope of each determined; the prophetic portions presented and their practical values cons idered . Alternate yea rs, offered 1975-76. 408 THE GALATIAN AND THESSALONIAN EPISTLES (2) An investigation of these ep ist les relative to the particular problems existent in the churches to whi ch they were written. Alternate years , offered I976- 77. 409 HEBREW POETRY (3) Outline, content, and expos ition of selected passages from the books of Job , Psalms, Ecclesiastes , Cant icles, and Proverbs with special emphasis on the devotional aspects of the books. Alternate years, offered I976- 77. 420 COMMUNICATING THE BIBLE (2) Developing facility in teaching Scripture at college and adult levels through various approaches. Prerequisite: 400 . 470 BIBLICAL RESEARCH (1-3) Research in traditional and contemporary problems in Biblical areas. Enro llment limited to Juniors and Seniors with consent. (May include Greek 405 , 406 , 409, 410.) DOCTRINE Objectives: The primary obj ec tives of the doctrine courses are ( I) to give the student a thorough grasp of all the major doctrines of the Word of God; (2) to corre late the who le into one defensible system which will form a so lid foundation for the understanding and intelligent use of the Bible; (3) to promote warm Christ ian experience and spiritu al maturity. The approach to all areas of doc-. trinal s tudy is Biblical rather than philosophical. The method of study is dispensational , and the viewpoi nt is c learly premillennial. Special attention is given to the problems of libera lism and modern cults in the ir doctrinal aspects. The lecture method of s tudy is fo ll owed and reference is made to the Biblical languages. Reading in standard theological works is required. 100 BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS (3) Doctrine of the Scriptures as inspired by God, a completed revelation in the books recognized as canoni cal , illumined to believers by the Holy Spirit; the incorporation of a Biblical foundation into personal Christian growt h and witness. 303 GOD, CHRIST, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT (3) God, His existence, unity, trinitarian distinctions , at tributes, decrees , and works; the theanthropic person of Chr ist and His work; the Holy Spirit , His person and work.
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