304 MAN, SIN, AND SALVATION (3) The orig in , character , transmi ss ion , effect , and puni shme nt of s in; the sav ing wo rk of the tr iune God as pertaining to atonement , redempti on , grace , regeneration, ca lling, and results of sa lvati on . 407 THE CHURCH, DISPENSATIONS, AND FUTURE THINGS (3) The Doctrine of the Church , its ori g in , o rdinances , a nd organi zati on; God's pro phe ti c program from the herme nuti ca l views of both the Dispensa ti onal and Covenant schools , with emphas is on the d ispensati onal app roach . 470 DOCTRINAL RESEARCH (1-3) Research me thods empl oyed in the so luti on of spec ific doctrinal probl ems . Secti ons offered every year in areas such as Bibi ica l Author ity , Co ntemporary Prob lems, Mi ss ions, Pro phe ti c Probl ems , Doc tr inal Bibliography·. Prerequi sites: 303 , 304 ; consent.
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