
Department of Biological Science

Professo r: Stephe ns Assi stant Professors: Eddington, Kuld , Pay ne (cha irman)

Objecti ves : The aims of the Bio logical Sc ience curric ulum are ( I) acqua inting all stude nts with the reasoning proces ses of the sc ie ntific method as applied in bio logy. with the ex isting princ iples of biology as they appl y to o ur age o f techno logy , and with the dynami c sta te o f advance in know­ ledge in bio logy; (2) supporting the curriculum of maj ors in othe r department s (Nurs ing, Psycho l­ ogy, Phys ica l Educati o n , Educati on); (3) suppl ying a s tro ng fo und ati on co re c urri c ulum for the maj or in ge nera l Bio logic al Sc ience , and providing depth within a bal anced se lection of the maj or areas within biology . BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR THE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DE­ GREE The core c urriculum in bio logy requires 32 units, inc luding 111 , 3 12, 322 , 40 I (45 2), 470 and a minimum of s ix units of lowe r di vision e lec ti ves and 26 uppe r di vis ion unit s . Thirty- two units of s uppo rtin g sc ie nces ar e requir e d , twe nt y in C he mi s tr y ( mu s t inc lud e 30 1) a nd twe lve in Mathematical and Phys ical Sc ie nce (must inc lude Mathemati cal Sc ie nces I05 ) . BIOLOGICAL EDUCA TION (SECONDARY) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE Bio logy requirements are the same as stated above; 20 unit s of supporting phys ica l sc ie nce includ­ ing Chemi stry 30 I and Mathematica l Sc ie nces 105; 9 units o f pro fess ional education courses . BIOLOGICAL EDUCA TION (ELEMENTARY) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEG££ Biol ogy requirement s same as s ta ted above; 18 unit s s uppo rtin g ph ys ic al sc ie nce inc ludin g Chemistry 30 I ; 14 units of pro fess ional educati on courses . Department Minor : 20 unit s , 14 o f which must be upper divi s ion. The co re c urri c ulum is recom­ me nded unl ess spec ific need s dic ta te o therwi se . Spec ific minor requireme nt s are to be approved by a departme nta l ad viso r. The gene ral educati on requireme nt fo r a fo re ign language fo r those fo ll ow ing a bio logy major may be me t by two years o f hi g h schoo l language o r the fir st fo ur units o f a co ll ege language . These language units do not appl y toward the required 138 units fo r graduati on. C urri c ulum ch a rt s ex press in g spec ifi c major a nd co ll ege course requir eme nt s, and sampl e schedul es for each of the above-me nti oned maj or programs , may be obt a ined in the departme nta l office, Sc ie nce Hall - room 200 . All laboratory courses in biological sc ie nce have a $ 15 laboratory fee . - VOCA TIONA L SCOPE The Bio log ica l Sc ie nce maj o r is inte nd ed to have s tre ng th in the fo und ati o ns of mathe ma ti cs , phys ics , and chemi stry . Breadth in the maj or areas of bio logy is included in the co re curriculum to se rve as a base for ad vanced o r mo re spec ia li zed s tud y . The sco pe o f the core c urriculum em­ phas izes the princ iples of bi ology in all forms of life . The Bio log ical Sc ie nce maj or is intended to prepare students for the following : ( I) further stud y in the health related fie lds (medi c ine , denti s­ try , medica l techno logy, phys ica l the rapy , ve te rinary med ic ine , pharmacy) , (2) furthe r stud y in


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