the teaching fi e ld s (co ll ege, nurs in g , hea lth sc ie nces ) , (3) graduate study in general biology or a spec if ic a rea w ithin bi o logy (zoo logy, bo ta ny , mic robiol ogy , e t ce te ra ) , (4) terminal study in primary or secondary educati o n, and (5) bi o logy applied to ag riculture, bus iness, mi ss ions . ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS High sc hoo l requirement s are o ne year chemi stry, o ne year phys ics, fo ur yea rs mathematics . One yea r o f bi o logy is des irabl e. Defi c ie nc ies can be fulfill ed with permi ss ion from the Department of Bio log ical Sc ience . 100 BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES - LECTURE (3) Unifying princ ipl es of bi o logy : chemica l bas is o f li fe , pl ant a nd animal o rga n sys tems , eco logy, evoluti onary theory, and the principl es of gene tics . 110 OBSERVATIONAL BIOLOGY - LABORATORY (2) O bser va ti o na l and in ves ti ga ti ve approac h to bi o log ica l p roce sses; pa rti a l survey o f mi c roo r ga ni sms, pl ant s , and anima ls. Four ho urs laborato ry, o ne ho ur lec ture/ di sc uss io n. Pre requi s ite : 100 (preferabl y take n concurrent ly). 111 EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - LABORATORY (2) Investi gati ve approach and ex periment al techniques o f current d ay bi o logy; des igned as a previ ew o f uppe r di visio nal course areas. Four hours labo rato ry, one hour lec ture/di scuss ion . Prerequis ite : consent . 120 CURRENT TOPICS IN BIOLOGY (3) Se lec ted topics of current popul ar inte res t and concern in the areas of e nviro nme nt , human bi o l ogy, di sease and eco logy . 130 SEMINAR IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE (1) Direc ted resea rc h ( literature o r labo rat o ry) in se lec ted areas o f bi o logy w ith writte n a nd/ o r o ral present ati ons by student s; inte nd ed to stimul ate inquiry and c reative thought. May be used to he lp fulfill genera l educati on sc ie nce req uireme nt s. Not open to sc ience majors. 152 APPLIED ANATOMY (2) Sc ie ntific me thods fo r eme rgency care and transpo rta ti on o f the c ritica ll y ill or injured , including injuri es to the s kull o r bra in ; hea t ex pos ure; burn s; po isons , s tin gs a nd bit es; and eme rgency chil dbrith . 202 INVERTEBRATE BIOLOGY (4) Taxo no my a nd mo rpho logy of invertebrate animal phy la; labo rat ory di ssec ti o n o f in vertebrates. Insec t co ll ecti on required. Three hours lec ture, four hours laborato ry . Prerequi s ite : consent. 221 MICROBIOLOGY (4) Bene fi c ia l a nd pa thoge ni c s ignificance o f mi c roo rga ni sms (bac te ri a , fun g i , protozoa, v iruses ); identificati on . co nt ro l , and methodo logy. Three hours lecture , fo ur hours laboratory . Prereq ui site: Chemi stry 103, 105 , o r co nsent. 222 BOTANICAL SCIENCE SURVEY (4) Bas ic princ iples of pl ant bio logy ; current and hi sto rica l tre nds in agric ulture , ho rti c t1lture and gar .dening; bri ef ex posure to pl ant taxo nomy. local fl o ra emph as ized . Three hours lecture , three hours Iabo rato ry. 232 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY (6) 8 as ic struc ture and fun c ti on of the human body; labo rato ry dissec ti on o f a representative mammal ; as ic ph ys io logical ex pe rimentation . Four hours lec ture , s ix hours labo ratory.
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