242 ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY (3) Emphas is on neural and e ndocrine regulation and coordi nat ion of body systems fu nct ion , repro duct ive , and e nvironmental phys io logy. Three hou rs lec ture. Prerequisite: 111 or co nse nt. 252 FIELD BIOLOGY (4) Plants and animals in their nat ural hab itat; emphasis given to taxonomy, morphology , and popula ti on dynamics. May fulfill general ed ucat ion requi rements. Summer on ly. 300 HEALTH SCIENCE (3) Principles, problems, and practice in a sc ie ntific approac h to solution of hea lth problems and the preparation of stude nts to assume responsibilities in teaching in school hea lth program . T hree hou rs lec ture. Prerequisite: major in physical educat ion and/or teaching credentia l cand idate. 301 VERTEBRATE BIOLOGY (4) Biology , embryology , and anatomy (comparative emphasis) of vertebrate animals ; laboratory pro j ec t and dissection of representative vertebrates. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prere quisite : consent. 302 PLANT ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY (4) Comparison of the systems and their funct ions in spec ies represent ative of a broad spectrum of plant life; vascu lar plants and plants of econom ic and soc ial significance emphas ized. Three hours lec tures, three hours laboratory . Prerequisite: 222. 311 NEUROBIOLOGY (4) Brain s tructure and function. Psychological , neurophysiological and hormone corre lates of be hav ior emphasized. Laboratory study of brain a natomy , electrophys iology , human EEG, ECG, GSR and elec trode impl ant techniques. Three hours lectures, four hours laboratory. Prerequisites: 111 , or consent. 312 CELLULAR BIOLOGY (3) The structure, function and methods of studying ce ll s and their component parts. Molec ul ar , gene chromosome biology, cy toge net ics emphas ized. Ce ll s and tis sues represent ative of major plant and animal systems. Three hours lecture , one hour discussion/quiz. Prerequisite: 111, Chem . 30 I . 322 LABORATORY IN CELLULAR BIOLOGY (2) Laboratory stud y emphasizing cell a nd tissue cu lture techniques. methodology in cell physiology and cytogene ti cs, photography and hi stological microtechniques. S ix hours labo ratory , one hour discussion/quiz. Laboratory fee $20 .00. Prerequisite: 111 , Chem. 30 I. 331 DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY (4) Selected topics in developmental biology (pl ant and animal) emphasizing mo lecular basis of dif ferenti at ion , vertebrate embryo logy . Laboratory ex per ie nce in areas of chi ck embryo logy, mic rotechnique, gametogenesis , metamorphosis. system physio logy and di rection experimenta ti on. Three hours lectures, fo ur hou rs laboratory. Prerequisite: 312. 352 MARINE BIOLOGY (4) Introduction to oceanography, marine plant and animal diversity, and eco logical relationships. Re search techno logy emphasized thro ugh field trip observation and group experimen tat ion . Three hours lecture , fo ur fours laboratory. Laboratory fee $20.00. Prerequisite: 100 . 401 POPULATION BIOLOGY (4) Gene ti cs, e vo lution , a nd eco logy related to biological populations e ncompass ing all li vi ng or gan isms; exper imental genetics and field bio logy emphas ized in laboratory. Three hours lecture , four hou rs laboratory. Prerequisites: 202 or 30 I.
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