
242 ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY (3) Emphas is on neural and e ndocrine regulation and coordi nat ion of body systems fu nct ion , repro­ duct ive , and e nvironmental phys io logy. Three hou rs lec ture. Prerequisite: 111 or co nse nt. 252 FIELD BIOLOGY (4) Plants and animals in their nat ural hab itat; emphasis given to taxonomy, morphology , and popula­ ti on dynamics. May fulfill general ed ucat ion requi rements. Summer on ly. 300 HEALTH SCIENCE (3) Principles, problems, and practice in a sc ie ntific approac h to solution of hea lth problems and the preparation of stude nts to assume responsibilities in teaching in school hea lth program . T hree hou rs lec ture. Prerequisite: major in physical educat ion and/or teaching credentia l cand idate. 301 VERTEBRATE BIOLOGY (4) Biology , embryology , and anatomy (comparative emphasis) of vertebrate animals ; laboratory pro­ j ec t and dissection of representative vertebrates. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prere­ quisite : consent. 302 PLANT ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY (4) Comparison of the systems and their funct ions in spec ies represent ative of a broad spectrum of plant life; vascu lar plants and plants of econom ic and soc ial significance emphas ized. Three hours lec tures, three hours laboratory . Prerequisite: 222. 311 NEUROBIOLOGY (4) Brain s tructure and function. Psychological , neurophysiological and hormone corre lates of be­ hav ior emphasized. Laboratory study of brain a natomy , electrophys iology , human EEG, ECG, GSR and elec trode impl ant techniques. Three hours lectures, four hours laboratory. Prerequisites: 111 , or consent. 312 CELLULAR BIOLOGY (3) The structure, function and methods of studying ce ll s and their component parts. Molec ul ar , gene chromosome biology, cy toge net ics emphas ized. Ce ll s and tis sues represent ative of major plant and animal systems. Three hours lecture , one hour discussion/quiz. Prerequisite: 111, Chem . 30 I . 322 LABORATORY IN CELLULAR BIOLOGY (2) Laboratory stud y emphasizing cell a nd tissue cu lture techniques. methodology in cell physiology and cytogene ti cs, photography and hi stological microtechniques. S ix hours labo ratory , one hour discussion/quiz. Laboratory fee $20 .00. Prerequisite: 111 , Chem. 30 I. 331 DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY (4) Selected topics in developmental biology (pl ant and animal) emphasizing mo lecular basis of dif­ ferenti at ion , vertebrate embryo logy . Laboratory ex per ie nce in areas of chi ck embryo logy, mic­ rotechnique, gametogenesis , metamorphosis. system physio logy and di rection experimenta ti on. Three hours lectures, fo ur hou rs laboratory. Prerequisite: 312. 352 MARINE BIOLOGY (4) Introduction to oceanography, marine plant and animal diversity, and eco logical relationships. Re­ search techno logy emphasized thro ugh field trip observation and group experimen tat ion . Three hours lecture , fo ur fours laboratory. Laboratory fee $20.00. Prerequisite: 100 . 401 POPULATION BIOLOGY (4) Gene ti cs, e vo lution , a nd eco logy related to biological populations e ncompass ing all li vi ng or­ gan isms; exper imental genetics and field bio logy emphas ized in laboratory. Three hours lecture , four hou rs laboratory. Prerequisites: 202 or 30 I.


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