402 BIOLOGICAL ADAPTATIONS (3) Hi storical and present -day deve lopme nts of the idea of evoluti o n; he reditabl e change and var iati on as applied to an objec tive evaluatio n of historica l geology , comparative anatomy , and organi smal and popul ati on dynamics . Altern ate years , o ffered 1975-76 . 411 BIOCHEMISTRY (3) Fund amenta l concepts o f metabo lism, bioene rgeti cs, biosynthes is and other chemi stry of life pro cesses . Three hour lec ture. Prerequi s ite : Chemistry 302. 412 LABORATORY METHODS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (2) An integ rat ed laborat o ry course to accompa ny Chemi stry 411 and Bio logy 422. Modern techni ques in mo lec ul ar ge ne tics , me taboli c processes, bi oene rge ti cs and e nzyme mechani sms . Six hours laboratory . Prerequi site : 3 I2 and Chemi stry 302 . 422 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (3) Hi s tori ca l deve lopme nt and prese nt -d ay fi e ld of mo lec ul ar ge ne ti cs , procaryo ti c and eucaryo ti c ce ll regul a ti o n , gene ti c acti o n o f hormo nes and c urre nt de ve lo pme ntal probl ems ( i. e . , c ance r) . Emph as is on literature search of primar y sources , student discuss ion , and anal ysis of methodo logy and ex perimenta l desig n. Three hours lec tures . Pre requis ite: 3 12. 450 DIRECTED STUDY (1-3) Literature and laborato ry research of a spec ific subj ec t or technique in bio logy ; ad vanced students ga in ex pe rie nce in ex pe rime ntal des ign , laborat ory in ves tigati on , and technical writing. May be repea ted fo r a maximum of 3 units . Pre requi s ite : Junior or seni or st andin g a nd co nsent. E ithe r semes te r. 452 ADVANCED FIELD BIOLOGY (4) Pl ants and anima ls in the ir natu ral habitat; emphas is g ive n to taxo nomy , morphology , and po pul a tio n dynamics . G roup and indi vidua l study in a fo ur-week summer e xped iton . May be substituted fo r 40 I . Not ope n to those who have take n 252. 470 SEMINAR IN ADVANCED BIOLOGY (1) Literature resea rch foll owed by o ral presentati on , group di scuss io n , and ev aluati on; ind epe nde nt thought and study stressed. May be repeated fo r max imum of two units of credit.
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