Department of Business Administration and Economics
Professor: Livingston (chairman) Associ ate Professor: Powe ll
Departmem Major: 48 units, o f whi ch 24 must be upper divis ion. leading to the Bac he lo r o f Sc ience Deg ree . The required Bus iness Management co re inc ludes I 11 , I9 I , 2 1 I , 2 12, 22 1, 320 , 330 , 36 I , 362,370 , 41 8 , 470 , and Eco nomics 20 I , 202 . Bus iness Educati on courses are a lso ava il abl e . Courses for the Business- Accounting major inc lude 3 1 I , 3 12 , 3 I3 , 4 I I , 4 12 . The general educati on requirement for a fo re ign language fo r those fo ll ow ing a Business Admini stra ti o n major may be me t by two years o f hi gh schoo l language o r the fir st fo ur unit s o f a co ll ege language . 105 ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY AND CALCULUS I (4) See Mathemati cal Sc ie nces, 105 fo r desc ripti on. 111 BUSINESS METHODS AND PROBLEMS (3) An introduc tion to the var ious majo r areas o f bus iness acti v ity, ways in which bus inesses are organi zed , ope rated and financed , and types o f probl ems they e ncounte r. 191 BUSINESS MATHEMATICS (3) Esse ntial bus iness mathemati cs , es pec ia ll y for re tailing , banking. finance, and in surance; e lement ary stati stical methods . 211 , 212 PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING (3 , 3) Bas ic fo r a ll bus iness maj o rs a nd those seeking to learn the language o f bus iness; procedure fo r setting up a doubl e e ntry bookkeeping system. Seco nd semeste r: corporate accounting and e lementary cost accounting method s . 2 1 I prerequis ite for 2 12 . 221 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER PROGRAMMING (3) How compute rs wo rk ; computer language; fl ow charts; s impl e pro bl ems in compute r programmin g and in data processing . (See a lso Mathemati cal Sc iences 200 .) 229 PERSONAL AND FAMILY FINANCE (3) Manag ing famil y finan ces; budge ting; use o f c redit ; bo rrow ing money; sav ings methods; purchase of life , hea lth. pro pe rty, and auto insura nce; buy ing o r renting prope rty; taxes; buy ing securiti es; small bus iness opportunities; will s and es ta tes. 274 ADVERTISING PRINCIPLES (3) Ad verti s ing methods curre ntl y used fo r promo ti on o f produc ts , serv ices , ideas, and event s by bus iness firms , trade assoc iati ons. and community o rga ni zati ons. inc luding the church; ass igned stud ent projec ts. Prerequi s ite : 111 o r co nse nt. 311 , 312 INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING (3 , 3) Advanced trea tment o f cas h- fl ow. funds- fl ow ana lyses; preparat ion o f fi nanc ia l sta teme nts, income tax all ocati on , va lu ati o n. fo recas ts. cas h reco nc ili ati on . Pre requi sites : 2 11. 2 12 . 313 COST ACCOUNTING (3) . Cos t acco unting from manageri a l , co nceptua l , and techni ca l v iewpo ints; produc t , labor. mate ri a l , and overhead costing; pl anning a nd contro l processes ; a na lytical procedures. Prereq ui site : 2 1 I , 2 12. Alternate years , offered 1976-77 .
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