314 TAX ACCOUNTING (3) Theory and proced ures in preparati on of federal and Ca li fo rni a income tax returns fo r individuals, partnershi ps co rporati ons, g ifts and estates. Alternate years , o ffered 1976-77 . 320 BUSINESS STATISTICS (3) Co ll ec ti on and prese nt atio n o f bus iness d ata . central tende ncy and di spe rs ion measures fo r bus iness ana lys is, sampling and infe rence fo r hypothes is testing and quality co nt ro l, bus iness fo recas ting with s impl e and multiple reg ress ion . index numbe rs. (See a lso Mathematical Sc ie nces 20 I .) Prerequi site 19 1. 330 MARKETING (3) Methods , po lic ies , and princ ipl es of modern marke ting systems; var ious channe ls of d is tributi on and future trends. Pre requis ite: Economics 20 1. 361 , 362 BUSINESS LAW (3 , 3) First semste r: Func ti on of law in our soc ie ty, contrac ts , agency , Uni fo rm Commerc ia l Code. Second Semester: Prope rty , partne rships , security ag reements , go vernment and bus iness . Prerequi site fo r 362 is 36 1. · 364 SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (3) Methods, probl ems , a nd fac tors invo lved in launching and operating small mercantil e or service bus iness . Prerequi s ite: 111 o r 2 11. Offered o n suffic ie nt demand . 370 BUSINESS FINANCE (3) Probl ems and methods in securing fund s fo r business firms; nature of sec urities markets, short and
long- te rm fin anc ing. Prerequi s ite : 2 11 ,2 12. 411 ADVANCED ACCOUNTING (3)
Provid es mo re ad vanced concepts of partne rs hip , s pec ia l sa les procedures, co nso lid ati ons . , fiduci aries and actuaria l probl ems . Prerequi site : 3 I2. 3 13. Alternate years , offered I975- 76. 412 AUDITING (3) Stand ards and cont ro l co ncepts; inte rna l co nt ro l and proced ures; c los ing the ~udit. Pre requi s ite : 3 12, 3 13. Alte rnate years , offered 1975-76 . 415 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION (3) Princ ipl es o f o rgani zati on . autho rity, res ponsibility , and accountability; probl ems of location , ri sks, merchandi sing cont ro l, levels of manageme nt , and human re lati ons o f the business e nte rprise . Prerequis ites : 2 I2, Economics 20 I . Offered on suffic ient demand. 418 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT (3) Organi zati on and ro le o f the pe rsonne l departme nt in bus iness; a na lyzing and so lving case prob lems drawn from industry . Includ es fi e ld trips. 430 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS AND TRADE (3) Principl es and theory of inte rnati ona l trade; ana lys is of U.S . trade with lead ing industri al na ti ons; trade a nd growth in deve lopi ng count r ies ; nati ona l po li c ies affec ting trade; eco nomics of fo re ign exchange; balance o f payments and mo ne tary ar rangement s. Prerequi s ite: Eco nomics 20 I . Alte rnate yea rs , offered 1975-76. 437 REAL ESTATE (3) Laws re lat ing to rig ht s and obi igati ons inhe rent in owne rship o f rea l prope rty; how tit le to rea l property is tra nsfer red; homesteads, trust and deeds, lie ns ; land descr ipti ons; escrow procedure; titl e insurance; the rea l estate broker. Offered o n suffic ient demand. 450 DIRECTED READING (3) • Ex te ns ive ex plorati on of the literature in a selec ted fi e ld o f business under fac ulty guidance. Prerequi site: Uppe r di vis ion stand ing and consent .
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