462 INVESTMENTS (3) Princ iples fo r the indi vidu al inves tor; tes ts of a sound inves tment ; in fo rmati on sources; types of stocks and bond s; mechani cs of purchase and sa le. Prerequi si te: Eco nom ics 20 I . 470 RESEARCH (3) Method s of modern research in industry , with projec ts des igned to prov ide ac tu al research ex pe rience . Prerequi site: Mathematical Sc iences 20 I or equi va lent. Economics 201 , 202 PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS (3 , 3) Princ iples und erl ying the U.S . bal ance of payme nts , the Gross Nat iona l Prod uc t, infl at ion, unem ployment , eco logy probl ems , e tc. Fall semes ter : Macro-eco nomics; Spring semester: Micro economics . Three units may be used for general educati on with co nsent of hi story departme nt. 345 CURRENT ECONOMIC ISSUES (3) Reading and ana lys is of ar ti c les in pe ri od icals and the dail y press re lating to eco nomic probl ems. Utili zes princ iples developed in Eco nomics 20 1, 202 . Offered on suffic ie nt demand. 350 MONEY AND BANKING (3) Nature, functions , and flow of money and c redit in the Amer ican economy and the worl d; ana lys is of commerc ial banking and our mo netary system. Prerequ isi te: 20 I. Altern ate years, offered 1976-77. 360 ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES (3) Key deve lopments chrono log icall y in agriculture , commerce , communi cati ons, industry , fin ance , and transportati on: perspec ti ve in business admini strat io n and probl em solving. Prerequisite: Con se nt . See al so Hi story 360 . Business Education 422 BUSINESS EDUCATION AND THE COMMUNITY (3) Fac tors that affec t the deve lopment and operati on of the Business Educati on program in mee ting the needs of the community. Offered o n suff ic ie nt demand. 423 CURRENT PROBLEMS IN BUSINESS EDUCATION (3) Probl em of relating course co nte nt to the needs of industry, state, and nati onal orga ni zati ons. Offered o n suffic ie nt demand .
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