Department of Christian Education
Professors: Braun (chairman), Bynum Assoc iate Professor: Leonard
The Christian Educat ion major is designed to prepare its graduates for ministries in the church and para-church agenc ies . Therefore, at the completi o n of thi s major , the student will have: I. Realized his identity in relation to his position in Chri st and hi s spiritual gifts and abilities. 2. Developed his gifts and ab iliti es related to Chr istian ministries. 3. Demonstrated the essent ial knowledge and sk ill s to st udy Scriptures inductively a nd to communi cate Biblical truths effective ly. 4. Ana lyzed the contribu ti ons of our heritage in Christian Education and related them to present and future goals . 5 . Estab lished a basic philosophy of Chris tian Ed ucation wh ich incorporates the Biblical concepts of discipleship and leadersh ip. 6. Demonstrated his abi lity to be sensi ti ve to others as persons , understanding how people function in both indi vidua l and group learning exper iences. 7. Developed and demonstrated his ab ilit y to function successfu ll y in teaching roles by being ab le to: a. perceive pupil needs b . estab li sh sound ed ucationa l goa ls c. develop an effective instructional system d. communi cate sat isfac tori ly in the teaching role e. use properly a variety of methods f. evaluate learning experiences • 8. Developed and demonstrated hi s abili ty to function success full y in leadership and admin istrati on ro les, being ab le to: a. establish personal and operational goals b . identify and work with priorities c . manage himself and his work efficiently in the areas of planning, organizing, staffing, directing , and cont ro lling d. communicate satisfactoril y in the leadership role e . establish and maintain product ive group relationships maki ng best use of resources ava il able f. think creat ive ly and productively leading to effective decision making Premajor requirement: 200; Psycho logy 204. The ge neral education requirement for a foreign language for those fo llowi ng a Chri stian Education major may be met by two years of high school language or the first four units of a co ll ege language . . Dfpartment Major: 30 units, inc lud ing 30 I , 302, 40 I , 402, 403 , 404; Education 3 14; Psychology 30 I. Bible 400 should be taken as the Bible elective . . A minor of 18 units , recomme nded by the department, may be chosen in a corre lated area under departmental advice: e.g. Christian Ed ucation ski ll s, psychology , soc iology , physi cal educat ion , or missions. A group minor may be arranged wi th department consent. Department Minor : 18 units, including 301, 302, 401. NOTE: Those preparing for seminary should include a language in their study. See a department advjsor for details. A course of study lead ing to the Master of Arts degree is available through Biola's graduate school of theo logy, Talbot Theological Seminary. Please see the Talbot cata log for details.
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