200 INTRODUCTION TO CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) Int roduc ti on to the fi e ld of Chr isti an Ed ucation to acqu a int the student withs its scope, func ti ons, pro bl ems , and vocat io na l oppo rtun ities . 301 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION (5) A func ti onal study of leadership , admini stra ti on , and the o rgani zati on of the tota l educati onal program of the local church; examinati on and app licati on of princ iples of admini strati on to various Chri sti an Educati on programs. Prerequi site : Psycho logy 30 1. 302 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF CHILDREN (5) Prac tic al applicati on and evaluat ion of the organi zati on and admini stratio n. c urricul a, program planning, methods and audio-v isuals employed by the church . 306 CHILDREN 'S WORK IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) O rgani za ti on , mate ri als, and me thods used in the Christia n Ed ucati on of Children (No t open to Christi an Ed ucati on majo rs.) 309 YOUTH WORK IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) O rgani zati on . materi als , and methods used in the Christi an Ed uca ti on o f Youth. (Not o pen to Chri sti an Ed ucati o n maj ors.) 310 ADULT WORK IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) Organi zati on . material s , and methods used in the Christi an Educati on of Adults . (No t open to Chri stian Educati o n maj o rs .) 314 AUDIO-VISUAL INSTRUCTION (2)
See Ed ucation 314 fo r desc ri pti on . 366 DRAMA IN THE CHURCH (3) See Communi cati ons 366 fo r desc ription . 400 INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY (2) See Bibl e 400 fo r desc ripti on . 401
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF YOUTH AND ADULTS (5) Princ ipl es and prac tice in the admini strati on and o rga ni zati on of var ious programs fo r youth a nd adults; examinati o n o f needs, curric ul a, programs, me thods, and audi o-vi suals used by church and other age nc ies; inc ludes worship . counse ling , rec reati on and stewa rdship .
The hi storical a nd phil osophi cal progress of Chri sti an Educati on , trac ing the importance o f Chri stian leaders hip through church related education movement s with spec ia l study o f present tre nds . De sig ned to a id students in fo rm ing a Biblical phil osophy o f Chri stian Educat ion. Prerequi site : 30 1. 403 , 404 SEMINAR: DIRECTED FIELD WORK (2 ,2) Prac tical ex pe rie nce in the areas of the student' s vocati ona l inte res t with fac ulty co unse ling and supe rvis ion . Prerequi site: 30 I . 405 GROUP COMMUNICATION (3) See Communi cati ons 405 fo r desc ripti on. 407 CHURCH OFFICE MANAGEMENT (2) Offi ce managemen t , fund amenta ls of bookkeeping a nd record systems, bus iness a nd o ffi ce fu rniture and machines , duplication processes; Christi an Educati on and public re lati ons.
409 CAMP ADMINISTRATION (2) See Physica l Educati on 409 fo r desc ripti on . 410 CAMP COUNSELING (2) See Phys ical Educati on 4 IO fo r desc ription .
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