412 MISSIONARY EDUCATION IN THE CHURCH (2) Basic admini strati on of a program of miss ionary education; auxili ary orga ni zat ions of the church ·s ed ucati o nal program through which missions is taught to all age leve ls. 413 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT (2) Essential e lements in curriculum fo rmati on; intens ive st ud y of var ied ex ist ing curricul a; con temporary trends in curric ulum production . 417 RECREATION ADMINISTRATION (2) See Physical Education 417 for desc riptio n. 418 RECREATION LEADERSHIP (2) See Physical Education 4 18 for description. 419 INNER CITY MINISTRIES (2) The church in the inner c ity; need s of the community a nd adaptati on of admini strat ion , me thod s , and curriculum to meet spec ia l needs. Emphasis on fi e ld study. 420 COMMUNICATING THE BIBLE (2) See Bible 420 fo r description. 424 TECHNIQUES OF COUNSELING (2) Stud y and evaluati on of the counselor and the counseling process ; coun se ling as it re lates to conversion, subsequent growth , lead ership counseling , and the educational inte ntions of the church; read ing in special areas of work: vocational guidance, sex educat ion , et cetera. 444 MUSIC IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) Mus ic in the church 's ed ucati onal program; c riteria for se lec ti on of appropriate music; song- lead ing and methods of teaching musi c to various groups; relati onship to music to worship , instruction , and fe llowship. 470 RESEARCH IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (1-3) Development of research sk ill s and indepe nde nt study in Chr istian Ed ucati on . Limited to seni o rs majoring in Christi an Education , with approval. ·
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