Department of Communications
Professor: Saunders Assoc iate Professors: Bicker , D. Shanebeck (chairman) , Valent ine
Obj ecti ves: The Communi cati ons maj or is a fl ex ibl e program des igned to meet the needs of the ind ividual stude nt by prov iding ( I) courses to acquaint the student with the essential theor ies and profic ie ncy necessary fo r grad uate work , (2) the scope of courses des irabl e fo r those e nter ing the field of educati on e ither as c lassroom teachers or speech therapists , (3) the background necessary fo r vocations in the communi cati ons- related fie lds . The communications curric ulum also provides supporting courses fo r several other majors. COMMUNICATIONS MAJOR Stude nts who pl an to major in communicat ion should obtain departmental counse ling in setting up the ir ind ividual program as emphases are poss ibl e in se veral areas inc luding speech communi cation, drama , speech therapy, and mass med ia. Thi s program must be approved and on fil e with the department at the beg inning of the student ' s junior year. Department Major: 30 uni ts , o f whi ch 24 must be upper d ivis ion, inc luding 33 1 and 435. I8 units should be taken within one emphasis. Department Minor: 18 un its , of whi ch 12 must be upper d ivis ion , inc luding 33 1 and 435 . 12 un its shoul d be taken within one emphas is . HUMANITIES MAJOR: COMMUNICA TIONS CONCENTRATION Communi cati ons may be used as the area of concentration for the Humanities Maj or (p. 84) . Thi s co ncentrati on is bas icall y a Minor in Communi cati ons , but greater fl ex ibility is poss ibl e through departme ntal adviseme nt . 20 SPEECH IMPROVEMENT (0) Indi vidual or small group therapy fo r students with speech probl ems not ame nable to correction in other courses. Adds one unit to student load , but is a non- cred it course. 101 INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION (3) Overview of the maj or with lec tu res pertaini ng to public address, fore nsics speech therapy, and mass media. Experie nce in the preparation and delivery of significant ideas. 105 PRINCIPLES AND TYPES OF DISCUSSION (3) Probl ems of parti c ipating in and lead ing small group di scussion; application of the pat tern of refl ecti ve thinking to var ious types of pro bl ems; prac ti ce in var ious fo rms o f di scuss ion . 144 INTRODUCTION TO ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATE (3) Effec ti ve oral communi cati on; invention , analys is , ev idence, and methods of attack and defense , and arrangeme nt of ideas. 203 JOURNALISM (3) Techniques of news writing with a study of the structure of the newspaper industry , means of recogni zing and evaluating news sources , and press ethi cs and press laws.
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