
204 JOURNALISM EDITING, TYPOGRAHY AND LAYOUT (3) Practical experience in copy editing and headl ine writing wit h the basics of typography , layout and use of photographs in journalism. 212 ORAL INTERPRETATION (3) Oral interpretat ion of literature for understanding , appreciat ion , and commun ication. 224 VOICE AND ARTICULATION (3) Voice improvement through study of anatomical and physiological bases of the normal voice. Training in arti cul ation , pronunciation , and related oral sk ill s. 2~ /344 INTERCOLLEGIATE FORENSICS (1-1) Pract ica l speech experience in debate and other forms of con tes t speaking. Each section may be repeated three times to a total of six units . 261 BEGINNING ACTING (3) Lectures, demo nstrat ions , and laboratory experience in ac ting . Content includes concentration, observation , control and effect ive use of the body , pantomime, impro visat ions, stage techniques, the actors resources, and method s of charac ter development. 305 ADVANCED PUBLIC SPEAKING (3) App licat ion of the major principles of traditional and contemporary rhetorical theory in the prepara­ tion and delivery of speeches. Prerequisite: 10 1. Alternate years, offered 1976-77. 310 FORMS OF PUBLIC ADDRESS (3) Survey of the leading trends in rhetorical theory and practice; ana lysis of selected speeches. Emphases will shift with concentrations in rel igious , political, .or legal add resses. May be repeated with different courses content. 312 PHONETICS (3) The sc ie nce of the articulate sounds of human speech; c lassification , reproduction, and proper reco rding of speech sounds; principles of phonetic change. Alternate years, offered 1975-76. 320 SPEECH SCIENCE (3) The anatomical, physical , and physiological bases of speech. Alternate years, offered 1975-76.

321 PRINCIPLES OF SPEECH CORRECTION (3) Survey of types, e ti o logy, and treatment of speech disorders.

326 LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT AND DISORDERS (3) Development of speech and language in children; recognition of disorders and needs; ro le of the parent and teacher in meeting those needs. 331 MASS MEDIA AND SOCIETY (3) Impact of films, radio, telev ision , newspapers , magazines, and books in influencing soc iety. 332 WRITING FOR PUBLICATION (3) Non-fiction wri ting of fea ture material for newspapers and magazines. Includes the interview , personality sketch , personal experience story and research article. Marketing requirements and techniques. Alternate years, offered 1975-76. 333 WRITING FOR BROADCASTING (3) A laboratory course in writing for radio and television , including formats , music co ntinuity, spot announcements, documentaries and drama. 335 JOURNALISM PRACTICUM (1) Supervised practical experience in wr iting for and/or editing The Chimes. Prerequisite: Complet ion of or current enro llment in 203 or the equi valent. May be repeated.


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