
340 INTRODUCTION TO BROADCASTING (3) Impact of radio and television media on soc ie ty. Projects in announcing, producing, directing and writing. Field trips to area radio and television stations. 342 INTRODUCTION TO MOTION PICTURE PRODUCTION (3) Principles and techniques of making motion pictures and preparing films , utili zing both lecture and laboratory approaches. Students provide their own Super 8 film. Prerequisite. Co nsent. Laboratory fee $ 10.00. 3t4 STUDIES IN BROADCASTING (3) One section offered each year upon sufficient demand covering various aspects of theory and practice of broadcasting. An nounci ng for radio and television , radio production and directing. May be repeated with different co urse content. 345 WORKSHOP IN PHOTOCOMMUNICATION (2) One section offered each semester upon sufficient demand. Course may be repeated with different content (sect ion title). Areas covered include basic photography , advance co lor and black and white photography , use of co lor s lides, and photojournalism . Camera required for most sections. Laborat­ ory fee $ IO. 351 WORKSHOP IN DRAMA (3) Specialized offerings in drama production. At least one sec ti on offered yearly in areas such as: Play Directing , Stagecraft , Play Produc ti on and The Drama Team. Designed as a laboratory course for student s training to participate in drama in churches and schools. Opportunities given for practical ex perie nce through the presentation of plays for the public. When feasible , one-act production teams will perform for area churches and organizations. May be repeated with different course content. 361 ADVANCED ACTING (3) Development of the actor' s individual c reat ivity and express ion; app lying his techniques to various ac ting int erpretat ions and characteri zations; e nsembl e playing. Prerequisite: 26 1. 366 DRAMA IN THE CHURCH (3) An overview of availab le materials as well as techniques of selecting, staging and directing severa l types of dramatic presentations for the church and Christian education programs. 401 CREATIVE WRITING (3) The short story form. with practice in techniques of narration , character ization , plot and dialogue in segments and completed stories; requirements for various fiction markets. Alternate years , offered 1975-76. 405 GROUP COMMUNICATIONS (3) Contemporary communi cation theory, inc luding general semantics a nd group dynamics ; leadership , group process. and interpersonal relations in the small group. Prerequisite: 105. Alternate years, offered I976- 77. 420 STUDIES IN SPEECH PATHOLOGY AND AUDIOLOGY (3) At least one sect ion offered each year upon sufficien t demand. Course may be repeated with different content (section title). Areas covered inc lude such disorders as aphasia , stuttering , aud io logy. voice problems , c left palate , and cerebral palsy. 430 COMMUNICATIONS SEMINAR (1-3) Various aspects and problems in the structure , functions , policies and effects of the mass media gai ned through classroom stud ies and/or supervised field wo rk . 431 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION (3) Relation ship between communicatio n and culture with emphas is on factors effec ting the quality and processes of interpersonal communi cation.


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