

Emeriti SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND President, Emeritus I936-70 ARNOLD D. EHLERT Graduate Studies Librarian, Emeri tus I954- I973 WALLACE EMERSON Professor of Psychology, Emeritus 1948- 1968 JAMES 0. HENRY Professor of Histo ry, Emeritus I953- I975 GORDON HOOKER Assistant Professor of Music, Emeri tus I926- I968 MARTHA HOOKER Assistant Professor of Chri stian Education, Emerita 1926-1968 DOROTHY KINDELL Assistant Professor of Art, Emer ita I956- I970 ANTONIO SERRANO Professor of Language , Emeritus I953- I974 A. K. WIENS Associate Professor of History, Emer itus I957- I968

Faculty of Instruction

Year indicates appointment 10 faculty. ONA ALYANDI Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1972 B.A. , Pasadena Co ll ege, R.N., Samaritan Hospita l School of Nursing, Nampa , Id aho; M.S ., Un iversity of Californ ia , Los Angeles. RICHARD 0. ARTHUR Ass istant Dean for Arts and Letters Professor of English and Linguistics , 1967 B .A., Biola Co ll ege; M.A. , Ph . D. , Arizona State Un ivers it y . ROBERT A. BAMATTRE Public Services Librarian. Instructor, I972 B.A . , Cal iforni a State Univers ity, Los Angles; · M.P.A., Un iversi ty of Southern Ca liforni a; M.L.S. , Uni versity of Southern Ca lifornia. WILLIAM W . BASS Professor of Ph il osophy, 1960 B .A., Pepperdine University; M.Div .. Full er Theological Seminary; M.A . . Ph.D. , University of Southern California.


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