Department of Education
Professors: E. Carden, Hammond , Jones (chairman)
The major function of this department is professional preparation for teaching and administrat ion. An adequate preparation of the teacher includes a satisfactory subj ect matter fou ndation ; a know ledge of the pupi l; competency in the skills of teaching; the development and encouragement of crit ical judgment and creativity ; and the development of social and personal traits , ethical standards , and Christian ideals of service. Preparation for administration seeks to develop the additional competen cies needed by those who will direct the learning program. Credential Programs Requirement: ln order to qualify for a Preliminary teaching credent ial one must complete one of the majors listed below leading to a baccalaureate degree and professional studies including student teaching. Thirty units of upper division or graduate course-work must be completed within five years in order to secure the C lear credential. Two types of credentials are avai lable: single subj ect and multiple su bj ec t. " Single subj ect" instruction means the pta'ctice of assignment of teachers and students to specified subject matter courses, as is common ly practiced in Californ ia hi gh schools and most California junior high schools. ' ' Multiple subject ' ' instruction means the practice of assignment of teachers and students for multiple subject matter instruction , as is commonly practiced in Californ ia elementary schoo ls. Recommended majors for single subject_ credential: art, biological science, business administration, communicati ons , English , history , humanities , (literature or Spanish co nce ntrati on) mathematics, music, physical educati on, physical sc ience , social science . Recommended major for multiple subject credential: Diversified. Those who choose one of the follow ing will be required to pass a state author ized exam ination to earn the credentia l: art , biological science, communications , English, history , humanities, mathematics , mus ic, physical sc ience , psychology , social sci e nce , sociology. Diversified Major: The Diversified Major is designed for the preparation of elementary school teachers. It co nsists of twenty-one units in each of the four fo ll owing areas: I. Eng lish, including grammar, literature , composition , and speech. 2. Mathematics and the physical and li fe sc iences . 3 . Social sc iences , other than education a nd educati on methodology. 4. Humanities and fine arts , including foreign language. At least twenty-four upper division units must be taken a nd appropriate general ed ucat ion courses may be included in the e ighty-four total units. Student s planning to choose this major are required to see an adviso r in the Educati on Department. Professional courses required: All candidates for the C lear teaching credentia l in multiple subject instruction must complete the following Education courses: 300 , 3 10 , 330,350,370,440,450.(3 10 is not req uired for the Pre! iminary credent ial. ) All candid ates fo r the C lear teaching credential in sing le subject instruction must complete the fo llowing Education courses: 300 , 3 10 , 330,370 , 390 , 440 , 450. (Candid ates with majors in art, mus ic or physical ed ucation are not required to take 370.) A cou rse in health sc ience is required of all cand id ates for a Clear credent ial. Students who wish to become candidates for a teaching credential must app ly for admission to the educat ion program in their sophomore year or immed iate ly upon transfer into the college if beyond that year. Other requirements of the Educati on department are stated in the Guide for Education Students , wh ich may be secured from the department office .
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