300 INTRODUCTION TO TEACHING (2) The nature and function of the school and the development of competencies required for success as a teacher. Each week there will be one hour of lecture and discussion and a three- hour assignment as a teacher assistant in a local school. Successful completion of this course constitutes one of the
requirements for admiss ion to the education program. 310 SOCIAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION (3)
The issues fac ing education today in light of hi storical, philosophical and sociolog ica l principles. Special attention given to cultural and et hni c problems affect ing schools and teaching . (300) 314 AUDIO-VISUAL INSTRUCTION (2) Need and functions of aud io-visual techniques in teaching; development ski ll s in use of materials and equipment; sources of materials and equipment. 330 PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION (3) Application of psychological principles to the ed ucat ive process; role of the teacher learner; moti vat ion , intelligence , transfer of learning , measurement; human growth and development; recent and outstanding contributions of research and experimentation in the field. 350 ELEMENTARY CURRICULUM (4) Introd ucti on to the e leme ntar y school cu rriculum in mathematics, science, soc ial studies, lan gauage arts , music , and art; observation and partic ipati on i-n schools. Prerequisite: Consent. 360 TEACHING ASSISTANT PREPARATION (2) Instruction and practice in general and spec ific methods of teaching as an assistant to professors of large co ll ege classes. Taught jointly by instructors from the Education Department and the specific
departments using teaching assistants. 370 TEACHING READING (3)
Methods and materials for teaching reading . Designed to insure that teachers of all subjects can help their pupils improve sk ill in word attack, comprehens ion, study techniques and speed. Par ticular emphasis on the needs of pupils with varied cultu ral and language,backgrounds; observa tion and participation in schoo ls. Prerequisite: Consent. 380 INTRODUCTION TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (2) History, phil osophy , cun-iculum , and c lassroom techniques of early ch ildhood programs. (Offered by extension program o nly .) 390 OBSERVATION AND PARTICIPATION (1) Field work in secondary schoo ls for sing le subj ect credentia l candidates. Prerequisite: Consent. 420 DIRECTED STUDY (1-3) Cons ideration of top ics in school curriculum according to needs of indi vidual students. Prerequis ite . : Consent. 440,450 STUDENT TEACHING (6, 6) Full time laboratory exper iences in schoo l classrooms under the direction of qualified supervis ing teachers and college superv isors. Prerequisite: Consent. (Students doing stude nt teaching are Ii- I mited to a maximum of 15 units that semester. If the studen. t is working, a reduction in load may be necessary.) · f:/) t./70 f )7jo 5:,, , fy of tfi~- Ch;-rsta. rr <;,;;Jual.s.· (: 1 ) : ~ C: fi ',,o l:: Master of Arts m l;hristian School Administration This program is designed to prepare administrators for Chri stian Schools. It has been developed with the assistance of an Advisory Committee of Ch ri st ian School leader s to mee t the spec ific needs of their ins tituti o ns. Candidates will recei ve a broad preparation including courses in ad -
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