mini s trat io n , supe r vis io n , co un se lin g , fi na nce a nd law, curri c ulum deve lo pme nt , testing , and phil osophy-all of these spec ificall y related to the Chri sti an Schoo l. Bibl e a nd theo logy also wi ll be required fo r those who lack preparati on in these areas . The program will combine theo ry with pract ice throughout , us ing fie ld expe rience with the course work and as a culmina ting ac ti vity . It also will seek to integrate Chri sti an truth w ith all o f the ad mini strati ve theory and prac ti ce . Admission requirements : Admi ss ion to the program w ill require the fo ll ow ing academic prepara t ion : All applicants , to be accepted , must ho ld a baccalaureate deg ree from an accred ited m rec ogni zed in stituti on and mu st have a 3.0 (on a 4 .0 scale) grade po int average . Those no t mee t;ng thi s requ ireme nt , if accepted , w ill be pl aced o n probati on . A 2 .75 g rad e po int average must be ma inta ined to rema in in the prog ram. A combined sco re of 1000 is required fo r verba l and quan t itat ive o n the Gradu ate Reco rd Exam o r Unde rgraduate Record Exam. Ev id e nce o f success in teaching and of hi gh moral characte r also will be req uired. Program requ ireme nts: Requirements for the degree include the successful completion of 32 semester hours of prescribed and e lective courses and the pass ing of a comprehensive writte n and oral examination covering the fields of study. The re a lso w ill be a proj ect in the F ie ld Wo r k course whi ch will be writte n up as a short thes is and depos ited in the l ibrary to be part of a grow ing co ntributi on of the co ll ege toward improved Christian schoo l educati on. Additional requiremen ts include : I ) the candid ate must ho ld a valid teaching ce rti f icate o r have compl e ted the preparat ion required to sec ure o ne; 2) the cand idate must have compl e ted at least two years of successful teaching in a Chri stian or public schoo l pri or to the granting of the degree; and 3) the candidate mu st parti c ipa te in a weekl y Chri sti a n se rvice ass ignment whil e he is in the program. COURSE REQUIREMENTS
First Year (Part -t ime bas is)
4 4 4 4
Ed 5 1I Ed 605 Ed 6 10
Chri sti an Schoo l Admini strati on Chri sti an Schoo l Supe rvis ion
Finance a nd Law
Elec ti ves
Second Year (Part -time bas is)
Phil osophy of the Christian Schoo l Fie ld Work in Admini strati on Counse lin g the Christi an School Princ ipl es of Curricu lum Deve lopment
Ed 570 Ed 606 Ed 608 Ed 6 13 Ed 623
2 4
Tes ts and Measureme nts
2-4 32
Elec tives
Stude nt s in the Master of Arts program will be required to take 8 graduate uni ts of Bible and theo logy (EB 703 , 707, Th 504) through Talbo t Theo log ical Semina ry in place of the e lecti ve units if they have not had these o r equi valent courses . 511 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION (4) Ana lysis of admini strati ve duties and responsibilities re lati ve to school board , fac ul ty, staff, pupil s pare nts, and community.
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