l ,r1;) 570 PHILOSOPHY OF THE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (2) Aims o f Chri sti an schoo ls and means o f achi eving them; expl o rati o n of attitudes and co nvic ti ons whi ch Chri sti an schoo ls seek to develop in the ir students. 605 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL SUPERVISION (4) Develo pme nt of techni ques o f eva luati on o f instruc ti on . in-se rvice tra ining , imp leme ntati on of schoo l programs. and o the r supe rviso ry ac ti vities. 606 FIELD WORK IN ADMINISTRATION (2-4) Labo rato ry ex periences in a Chri sti an schoo l under the direc ti on o f experie nced admini strators and co ll ege supervisors . Inc ludes a seminar des ig ned to re late theory and prac ti ce. 608 COUNSELING IN THE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (2) Princ ipl es . pract ices, pa rti c ul ar prob lems, and co ncerns in coun se ling pupil s and pare nts in the Chri sti an schoo l. 610 FINANCE AND LAW (4) Princ ipl es of schoo l fin ance . budget preparati on and admini strati on examined al ong with laws affec ting schoo ls, teache rs. and pupil s. 613 PRINCIPLES OF CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT (4) Esse nti a l elements in curric ulum formati on; inte nsive study of varied ex isting c unicul a; analys is of
contempo rary trend s in c urriculum produc ti on . 623 TEST AND MEASUREMENTS (2)
Theo ry of testing a nd fun c ti ons of measurements in ed ucati on; supe rvised practi ce in use a nd interpretati on of spec ific tes ts and measurement devices re levant to the ed ucati on program.
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