
Department of English

Professors : Arthur , Do land, McGahey, Saunders Associate Professors: Gilman , McDouga ll , W. Shanebeck (cha irman) Assistant Professor: Bundy

Objectives: The Department of English has five objectives: the understanding of language as a means of communication; the ability to speak and write with c larity of thought and mechani cal correctness ; an understa nding of Iiterature as a record of the development of human thought and the refl ec tion of human hi story; the appreciation and enjoyment of good literature; and an acquaintance with the literary heritage of the Eng lish- speaking world . Hi story 305 or 306 is recommended for all Engli sh majo rs . Department Major: 30 units , of whi ch 24 must be upper division, 6 units of Eng lish 250 Introductory Studies in Literature : English Literature are required fo r the majo r and are prerequis ite to upper division courses in the major. The stude nt must also complete 3 unit s of 450 Advanced Studies in Literature: Literary Critic ism , 3 units of 470 Seminar, and selec t at least three units from 350 , 360 , 370 , 440. Remaining units may be compl eted in any of the upper division Eng li sh course offerings , except that no more than 3 units should be compl eted in 330. Humaniti es Major: English or Literature Concentration: The Department of Eng li sh offers two possible areas of subj ec t concentration for the Humanities Major (p. 84). This concentration may co ns ist of e ither English or Literature . It is basically a Minor in Eng lish, but more flexibility is poss ibl e through department adv iseme nt. Department Minor: 18 units , of whi ch 12 must be upper divi s ion . The student selec t units from three or more of the courses listed above. No te : Unless otherwise stated , a course may be repeated with different co nte nt (sec tion titl e) . 110 STUDIES IN CRITICISM & COMPOSITION (3, 3) Sections A & B. Reading, discuss ion of ideas and methods o f writing , stressing logic, persuas ion , and evaluati on; ex perie nce in writing essays and the research paper. Both sec ti ons required; however , student s receiving a grade of A the ir first semester do not take a second semester. Sec ti on A not prerequi s ite to Section B. Section C. Required of all students whose native language is other than English. Practice in reading improvement , vocabulary building, and written composition; drill in intonation of American English; culturall y orie nted. Student must complete sec ti on A or B fo ll owing sat isfactory completion of section C. 230 INTRODUCTORY STUDIES IN JOURNALISM (3 , 3) Sections A & B. Fundamentals of journal istic theory and practice . (See Commnications 203, 204 fo r compl ete description.) Both sections may be taken. 250 INTRODUCTORY STUDIES IN LITERATURE (3) Designed to fulfill the general ed ucation literature requirement a nd as a prerequisite for advanced studies in Iiterature. Sect ions offered every semester in specific areas : English Literature, American Literature, World Literature. Prerequisite: I IO . 330 STUDIES IN WRITING (3) Theory and practice in the various types of wr iting , aim ing at publication . One or more sections offered every year in areas such as: Creati ve Writing , Research a nd Writing, Writing for Publication. 350 STUDIES IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (3) Both standard and specialized offerings in English language studies. One or more sections offered e very year in areas such as: Modern Grammar , Development of Modem English, Word Formation and Function , Current Eng lish Usage , Dialectology/Socio linguistics/Psycholinguistics .


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