Department of Foreign Languages
Professors: R. Buss (chairman), Sturz, Wetzler Associate Professor: Wilmot Assistant Professors: Fox , Montgomery
Co111pete 11 cy requirement: In fo ll owing the sequence of courses in foreign languages the student must have a minimum grade of ' ·C" to enroll in subsequent courses. Department Minor: Offered in Greek and Spanish. HUMANITIES MAJOR. GREEK OR SPANISH CONCENTRATION Either Greek or Spanish may se rve as the area of co ncentrat ion and consists of 12 upper division units in eit her language . Advisement for Humanities majors wit h a Foreign Language Concen tratio n is through the Department of Foreign Languages. FRENCH Students with hi gh schoo l French should consult w ith department for placement test. 101, 102 ELEMENTARY FRENCH (4, 4) , Basic principles of pronunciation and grammar , vocabul ary drill , graded reading. From the begin ning , c lassroom conversati ons in French. Five hours each week. 201 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH (4) Advanced grammar and conversat ion , with emphasis on reading for meaning and speed. Five hours each week. 320 STUDIES IN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (3) Both sta ndard and spec iali zed offer ings; one o r more sec ti ons offered upon demand in areas such as: Conversati on , Survey of Literature A and B, Seventeenth Century Drama , Nineteenth Centu ry Novel. May be repeated with different co ntent (sec tion title). GERMAN Students with high schoo l German should consult with department for placement test. 101, 102 ELEMENTARY GERMAN (4, 4) An inte nsive course developing the sk ill s necessary for hearing and reading comprehens io n and simple written German. Five hours each week. 201 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN (4) A grammar review with readings in German literature. Co llateral read ings in the field of each student 's spec ial inte rest. Five hours each week. 320 STUDIES IN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (3) Both stand ard and specia li zed offeri ngs; o ne or more sect ions offered each year in areas such as: Conversation , Survey of Literature, Folklore. May be repea ted with different conten t (section title). 330 GERMAN CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE (3) Typical aspects of German civ ili za ti on and the significant hi storical events and major con tributi ons of the German people. Readings in records of historica l , Iite rary , and cultural importance. Conducted in Eng lish.
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