GREEK Note : Three semesters of Greek (comp let ion of 20 I) will satisfy the general ed ucation requirement for non-B ible maj ors. However, the student who wishes to have a minimum background for further study and use of Greek should compl ete 202. 101, 102 ELEMENTARY GREEK GRAMMAR (4 , 4) An introduction to the accidence , syntax, and vocabulary of Classical Greek with prac tice in reading s impl e passages in the Attic dialect; re lati onship be tween Class ical Attic and Greek o f the New Testament. 201 , 202 INTERMEDIATE GREEK GRAMMAR (3 , 3) Review of accidence and advance in sy nt ax with ex te nsive read ing and translation in various parts of the Greek New New Testament. Prerequisite: IOI , 102 or equi valence. 301 , 302 HELLENISTIC GREEK (3 , 3) Read ings in the Septuagint and the New Tes tame nt together with se lections from Jewish, pa trist ic, and pagan wr iters of the Hellenistic period. Prereq uisi te: two years of Greek. 405 INTRODUCTION TO NEW TESTAMENT TEXTUAL CRITICISM (3) A survey of the materials, hi story , and theories of New Testament textural c riti c ism. Prerequisites: Doctrine I00 and two years of Greek. 406 PRAXIS OF NEW TESTAMENT TEXTUAL CRITICISM (3) Designed to develop ab ility to gat her and eva luate the ev idence for various read ings in the text of the New Testament. Prerequisite: 405 or co nse nt. 409,410 READINGS IN BIBLICAL GREEK (1-3, 1-3) Indi vidu a l research for advanced stude nts in a reas of Biblical (LXX or N .T.) Greek grammar,
trans lati o n, or test. Prerequisite: three years of Greek and/or consent. 411 , 412 READINGS IN CLASSICAL GREEK (1-3, 1-3)
Individua l research for advanced students in c lass ica l grammar and/or literature. Study may include one or more of the following areas: Homer , hi storians, pl aywrights, Plato , Demos the nes. Prerequis ite: three years of Greek and/or consent. SPANISH Students with high schoo l Spanish should co nsult with department fo r pl acement tes t. Students whose native language is Spanish may no t take lower-divi sion courses for cred it. 101, 102 ELEMENTARY SPANISH (4, 4) The fundamentals of pronunc iati on , grammar , conversat ion, and readi ng. Five hours each week. I02 e ithe r semester . 201 INTERMEDIATE SPANISH (4) Advanced grammar , compositi on, inc reased facility in reading a nd conversation . Five hours each week. Either semester. 310 ADVANCED CONVERSATION AND COMPOSITION (5) Advanced work in conversation , reading , and writing Spanish. Prerequi site: 20 I or equi va lent. Either semester. 401 , 402 SURVEY OF SPANISH AMERICAN LITERATURE (3, 3) A survey of literature of Hi spanic America to modern times; reading and discussion of outstanding literary works and movements. Conducted in Spanish . Prerequisite : 20 I or equi vale nt and consent of instruc tor; 401 not prerequiste to 402. Alternate years , offered 1975-76.
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