
DAYID C. BIC KER Assoc iate Professor of Communi cati ons , 1962 B.A . , Fort Wayne Bible Co llege; M.D iv. , Conservat ive Bapt ist Theological Sem inary; M.A. , Denver University; Ph .D. , Un iversity of Cali forn ia, Los Angeles . DOROTHY L. BRAUN Professor of Chri sti an Ed ucation , I966 B .A. , Wheaton Co ll ege; M.A., Biblical Seminary and New York Univers ity; Ph .D. , New York Universi ty. RAYNER BROWN Professor Music , I953 B.A. , M.M. , Uni versity of Southern Cali fo rni a. STEPHEN G. BROWN Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies , 1973 B.A., University of Ca li forn ia, Los Angeles; B.D. , Talbot Theo logical Seminary; Th.M. , Western Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D. , Brande is University. NANCY BUNDY Assistant Professor of Eng li sh . I97 1 B.A. , Upland Co ll ege; M.A. , Ph.D .. University of Southern Cal iforn ia . DIETR ICH BUSS Assistant Professor of Hi story, 1966 B.A., Biola Co ll ege; M.A., Ca liforni a State Univers it y, Los Ange les; Candid ate Ph.D., Clare­ mont Graduate School. REINHARD J . BUSS Director of Summer School, Professor of German and Fo lklore , I964 B.A. , Un iversity of Maryland; M.A . , Ph.D., Un ivers ity of Cali forn ia , Los Angeles. BILL V. BYNUM Ass istant Dean for Biblical Studies and Profess ions, Professor of Chri sti an Educati on , 1960 B .A. , Biola Co ll ege; M.R.E. , Ca lifornia Baptist Theological Seminary; Ed.D., Southwestern Bapt ist Theological Seminary. ALLEN CARDEN Registrar , Assistant Professo r of History, 1974 B.A., Biola Co ll ege; M.A., Californi a State Un iversity , Full erton. ELIZABETH S. CARDEN Professor of Education, I952 B .A. , Uni vers ity ofCalifornia, Los Ange les ; B. Ch. Ed. , The Bible Institute of Los Angeles; M.S., Ed .D . , University of Southern California. WILLIAM L. CARDEN Dean of Admissions and Records , Professor , 1965 B .A., Wheaton Co ll ege; M.A . , New York Uni versity. ISRAEL CARMONA Professor of Hi story, I966 B.A . , Biol a Co ll ege; M.A., Californi a State Uni vers ity , Fullerton; Ph.D . , Unive rs ity of Southern Califo rni a. J. RICHARD CHASE Pres iden t , Professor of Communicat ions , 1953 Th .B ., Bible Institute of Los Angeles; B.A., M.A., Pepperdine Uni vers ity; Ph .D., Corne ll Universi ty.


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