Department of History and Geography Professors: Carmona, Iwata (cha irman) Associate Professor: J. Crawford, Rankin Assistant Professors: D. Buss Objecrives: Department objectives are to increase the general knowledge in and understanding of history, to encourage analyti cal thinking in dealing with historical problems , to enhance proficiency in research and writ ing. and to stimulate interes t in the reading of literature bearing on the discipline . Offerings in geography are designed to build understanding of regional relations over the surface of the ea rth. Emphasis is on the reg ionality of both the physical and cu ltural landscapes. HISTORY Deparrmenr Major : 24 upper divis ion unit s of hi story beyond the genera l educat ion requirements inc luding 328, 470, o r 490 and 49 1. Po litical Science 301 is requ ired as a suppo rting course. (Appropriate courses in Anthro-Linguistics, Art. Geography. Po litica l Science, and Sociology may be substituted for Po litical Science 30 I with consent .) History majors preparing for grad uate school s hould include a foreign language in their program with adv ice of department. Deparrmenr Minor: 18 units beyond the general ed ucat ion requirements, of whi ch 12 must be upper d ivision. The stud ent is adv ised to take at leas t 12 units in one area of co ncentrati on. It is recommended that those seek ing a teaching credent ia l will fu lfill the requirements in hi story from the following cou rses: 3 11 , 3 12, 317, 3 18 , 403 , 404. Hi story Honors Program: This program is designed for sen ior hi story majors who desire to undertake a year- lo ng independent research project under an indi vidual professor, culminating in an honors thes is . History majo rs with a departmenta l grade point average of 3 .5 o r better are e ligib le. Candid ates for hono rs wi ll be required to meet a ll hi story maj or requirements: the program wi ll count as six units of work (see 490,491). A Hi sto ry Department Ho nors Award (moneta ry prize) w ill be g iven annu all y fo r the outstanding thesis. 101 , 102 HISTORY OF WORLD CIVILIZATION (3, 3) First semester: the ancient worl d from the earlies t records of man to the the Protestant Refo rmation. Second semeste r: development of c ivili zation from the Reformation to the present. 205, 206 UNITED STATES HISTORY (3, 3) Growth a nd deve lopme nt of the United States; co loni za ti on . prerevol uti onary period, development of constitutiona l government , soc ial and economic influences in the nineteenth century; po litical de ve lopme nt to the present day; the United States as a world power. Meets sta te requireme nts in hi story and government. 301 ANCIENT MEDITERRANEAN WORLD (3) Ancient empires of East Mediterranean wo rld from dawn of history to defeat o f Persians by Greeks; emphas is on anc ie nt c ivi li zation inc luding religion, art. and li terature. 302 ANCIENT AEGEAN WORLD (3) Hi story of Aegean world from pre-Greek period to defeat of Greeks by Romans; emphasis on c lass ical Greek c ivilizati on inc luding religi on , art, and literature .
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