303 ROMAN HISTORY (3) Roman history from its beginning to the fall of the Empire; Rome ' s part in the preparation of the Mediterranean world for the spread of Chr ist ian it y; Rome ' s con tributi ons to Western civi li zation. Alternate years, offered 1976-77. 305, 306 ENGLISH HISTORY (3, 3) Eng li sh history from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present. First semes ter: fo rmation of British soc ie ty to 1688. Second semester : Britain in the modern wo rld. Emphas is on political, soc ial and c ultural insti tuti o ns and their influence upon the United States. Alternate years, offered 1975-76. 307 AMERICAN COLONIAL HISTORY (3) Settlement of No rth America and growth of Anglo-American civilization to 1763 ; development of political, economic, and religious institutions ; development of a distinctive American cu lture. 308 THE UNITED STATES FROM COLONY TO NATION (3) The American Revolution; es tab! ishment of a democratic government ; growt h of national cu lture from 1763 to 1828. 309 THE DISRUPTION OF AMERICAN DEMOCRACY (3) Slavery, sect ionali sm , the realignment of political parties , the ir impac t upon American national life , and the disruption of American democracy from 1828 to 1860. 310 SOCIAL AND INTELLECTUAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES (3) Social impact of westward expansi·on. immigrati o n, industrialization , urbani zation and cu ltural pluralism comb ined with major inte ll ectual ideas instrumental in the shaping of American soc iety. Prerequisite: Hi story 205. 206. Alternate years. offered 1976-77. 311 COLONIAL LATIN AMERICA (3) Pre-Colombian c ultures; conquest by Spain and Portugal and the European background of these countr ies; development of the socio-economic , cu ltural , and governmenta l instituti ons in co lonial life; the background of revolution and the wars of independence. Alternate years, offered 1975-76. 312 REPUBLICAN LATIN AMERICA (3) Latin American Republics from 1826 to 1960; historical and represen tative governmen t; socio eco nom ic and cultural changes; the role of the United States foreign policy in this era. Alternate yea rs , offered 1975-76 . 313, 314 MEDIEVAL HISTORY (3, 3) Western European history from the fa ll of Rome to the Protestant Reformation; medieval insti tuti ons with special emphasis on the transition in arts. letters and learning from the medieval to the modern age; political. soc ial. and religious phases of the Reformation. Alternate years, offered 1976-77. 315, 316 EUROPE IN THE SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES (3, 3) First semester: European cu lture . institut ions, politics in the seven teenth century ( 1610-17 15). Second semester : European culture. institut ions, and politics from the death of Louis XIV to the collapse of the Napoleonic Empire ( 17 15 - 18 15) . Alternate years , offered 1976-77. 317,318 EUROPE IN THE NINETEENTH AND TWENTIETH CENTURIES TO 1914 (3 , 3) First semes te r: Europe from the end o f the Napoleonic Empire to the end of the Franco-Prussian War ( 18 15-1870); the rise of nationalism , liberalism , inte rnational relations, and interna l condit ions of the major European countries. Second semes te r: Europe from the end of the Franco-Prussian War to the outbreak of World War I ( 1870-19 I4); the rise of nationalism , neo-imperialism , and the diplomatic background of World War I. Alternate yea rs , offered 1975-76. 321, 322 HISTORY OF EAST ASIA (3, 3) First semester : China and Japan from the earliest times to the beginning of Westernization. Second semester: the transformation of East Asia in modern times under the impact of Western civ ili zation. Alternate years, offered 1975-76.
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