
328 HISTORIOGRAPHY (3) The nature and disc ipline of hi story; major problems of h istorical interpretati on . Introducti on to research and synthes is. 330 GERMAN CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE (3) Typi-.:al aspects of German c ivili zation and the significant his torical events and majo r cont r ibuti ons of t!1e German people . Read ings in reco rds of hi storical , li terary , and cultu ral importance. 360 ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES (3) Key deve lopments chro nologicall y in agricultu re , commerce , communi cati ons , industry, fi nance, and transportat ion; perspec ti ve in business admi nistrat ion and problem so lving. Prerequisi te: Con­ sent. 401 THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR AND RECONSTRUCTION (3) Background, causes . war-time cond itions both c ivil and milit ary in the North and South; probl ems of reconstructi on. Altern ate years, offered I976-77. 402 THE GROWTH OF MODERN AMERICA (3) Pos t-C ivil War growt h and deve lopment of the national economy and culture; political reform movement s; the ri se to a pos ition of worl d power to 1900. 403 THE UNITED STATES IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY (3) Po litical , economic , intellec tu al, and cul tural as pects of Amer ican democracy in the twentieth centu ry; impact ·of two wo rld wars upon the American way of life . 404 CALIFORNIA HISTORY (3) Explorati on and co loni zati on; the Mex ican peri od; the coming of the Americans; statehood; the soc ial , economic , and po litica l development s as a part of the Uni ted States 405 PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN DIPLOMACY (3) Growth and development of American fore ign relati ons from the Revo luti on to the prese nt. Analys is

of the conduct of fo re ign relati ons, its obj ecti ves and limitations. 407 THE CHURCH IN THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE (3)

A religious hi story o f the United States from the co loni al to the contemporary peri od , emph asizing the church ' s effect on and its respo nse to Puritani sm, the wes tward movement , social and intell ec tual ferment , industr iali zation, immigrati on, urbani zat ion and war . Alternate years, offered 1975-76. 409 STUDIES IN THE DEVELOPING NATIONS : AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST (3) Post World War II independence movement s and the emergence of the Afro-Arab bloc in the Third World; contemporary problems of industriali zation, urbani zation, and cultu ral conflict. Alternate years , offered 1975-76. 410 HISTORY OF MEXICO (3) Mexico from colonial times to the present; development of major economic, soc ial, and po liti cal inst itutions, and their influence on Mex ico ' s relati ons with other hemispheric states. Alternate years, offered 1975-76. 411 HISTORY OF RELIGION IN LATIN AMERICA (3) Religion in Latin America, including anc ient non-Christi an religions, Catholic, and Protestant influence, and the pos t-World War II change in the Latin American religious pic ture. Alternate years , offered 1976-77. 412 PROBLEMS IN CONTEMPORARY LATIN AMERICA (3) Latin America since World War II ; problems of development ; approaches to solutions; revo lution and reform; public admini strati on; relati ons with the United States and ot her fo reign powers. Alternate years, offered 1976-77 .


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