413 LATIN AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS (3) See Po liti cal Sc ience 4 13 for description . 415 HISTORY OF SOUTH ASIA (3)
Hi story and culture of the South As ian subco ntinent from the earlies t times , through the eras o f European ex pansion , Bri t ish rul e, and the nati onali st movement to the present. Alte rnate years , offered 1975-76. 416 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST ASIA (3) Hi story and culture o f modern Burma, Tha il and, Laos , Cambodia , V ie tnam, Malaya, Indo nes ia , and the Philippines from earliest times; the ex pansion o f European influence, and the growth of na tiona lism in Burma, Indones ia , Indo-Ch ina and the Philippines. Alte rnate yea rs, offered 1975- 76. 419 HISTORY OF COMMUNISM (3) Background, orig in, developme nt , teachings, and techniques o f ex pansion of inte rnati ona l Com munism; the ro le of the Sov ie t Uni on in the Commun ist movement. Alternate years , offered 1975-76 . 420 HISTORY OF MODERN RUSSIA (3) Soc ia l a nd po liti ca l hi story of modern Russ ia, with an analysis of Czardom, the revo luti onary movement , and the establishment and deve lopment o f the Sov ie t reg ime . O ffered on suffic ient demand . 424 HISTORY OF EUROPE SINCE 1914 (3) Europe during and afte r World War I with emphas is o n the conseque nces of that war , c risi s of European democ racy , ri se of Communi sm , Fasc ism and Nazism; fa ilure of co ll ec ti ve security; World War II and pos t-war Europe; the Co ld War , eco nomic integrati on , and' the Sov iet Union as a maj or power . Alte rnate yea rs , o ffered 1976- 77. 428 HISTORY OF THE EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY (3) The background , origin , deve lo pment , and spread of the Christian religion; emph as is o n the modern era. 470 RESEARCH SEMINARS (3) Spec ia l studies in hi story fo r majors utili zing the techniques of probl em-solving , research , and formal writing. Non-maj ors may undertake spec ial study in spec ifi c geog raphi ca l areas: Latin America , Europe, Asia , United States, Near East , and Afri ca . May be repeated for c redit in different areas. 490, 491 HONORS PROGRAM (3 , 3) A year-l ong indepe ndent research proj ec t fo r history majors culmina ting in an honors thes is . First semeste r: read ing and research under supe rvis ion . Seco nd semeste r: drafting and writi ng final pape r. GEOGRAPHY 301 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY (3) Bas ic phys ical e lements of geography, such as c limate , land fo rms, so il s, and natural vegetation
toegether with the ir integrated patte rns of world distributi on . 302 INTRODUCTION TO CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY (3)
World cultural reg ions; iso lati o n of cultu ral fo rces and the ir interaction with the physical environme nt to produce the varie ti es of cultu ral land scape: popul ati on distributi on , gene ral land-use, settl eme nt
patte rn , transpo rtati on and communi cati on . 310 STUDIES IN GEOGRAPHY (3)
Continent al areas studies by reg io ns emphas izing phys ical , cultural ,_economic , and hi storical dimen sions whi ch give geographi c pe rsonality to indi vidual reg ions and nati ons. One or more sec ti ons offered each year in areas such as Latin America , North America, and Europe and As ia. May be repeated w ith different content (secti on titl e).
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