The Departments of Communicati o ns, Eng lish , Fore ign Languages, and Philosophy offer an inter departmenta l Majo r in Humanities. It co ns ists of an 18 unit concentrati on in o ne area and two support areas of 6 uppe r divi s ion units each. The area o f concent rati on is bas icall y a Minor in the des ired field but offers more fl exibility through advisement of the subj ect departme nt. Courses take n to sati sfy the general educ ation requirement cannot be c redited to the Maj or. HUMANITIES MAJOR: Communicatio ns Concentration. An 18 unit co ncentrati on in Communi ca tions , of which 12 must be upper di vis ion , inc luding 33 1 and 435 . Two a reas o f 6 uppe r di vis ion units each chosen from the suppo rt area o ptio ns listed be low . Total for Maj o r, 30 units , of which 24 must be uppe r divi s ion. Advisement through Communi cati ons Departme nt. HUMANITIES MAJOR: Eng lish Concenrra rion . An 18 unit co ncent rati on in English, of whi ch 12 must be upper di vis ion. Two a reas of 6 upper di vis ion units each chosen from the support area options listed be low. Total for Maj or , 30 units, of whi ch 24 must be upper di vision. Ad visement through Eng li sh Department. HUMANITIES MAJOR: Literarure Concentra rion. An 18 unit concentrati on in Lite rature , of whi ch 12 must be uppe r division (Selection o f the Lite rature Concentration must be made from the Lite rature li sting, in c luding 6 units of Eng lish 250 , Eng lish Literature). Two areas of 6 uppe r di vision units each chosen from the support area opti ons listed be low. To ta l fo r Major , 30 units , of which 24 must be uppe r di vis io n. Advisement through the Eng lish Department. HUMANITIES MAJOR: Foreign Language Concentra tion . A concent rati on is offered in Greek or Spani sh and co nsists of 12 upper di vis ion units. Two support areas of 6 uppe r d ivis ion units each chosen from the o ptions Iisted below. To ta l fo r Major , norma ll y 30 units. of whi ch 24 must be upper di vis ion. Ad visement through Departme nt o f Fore ign Languages. No re : It is poss ibl e for a student qua lified with fo ur years of High Schoo l Spa ni sh to complete the Humaniti es Majo r: Spani sh Conce ntratio n with 24 upper divi sion units. HUMANITIES MAJOR: Phi/osophy Concemration. An 18 unit co ncent rati on in Philosophy , o f whi ch 12 must be upper di vis ion , including 30 I and two of the foll owing courses : 302, 303, 404. Two suppo rt areas o f 6 upper divi s ion units each chosen from the options listed be low. To tal for Major , 30 unit s, o f whi ch 24 must be upper di vis ion. Ad viseme nt through Philoso phy Departme nt. Support Area Options fo r Humanit ies Major . Two support areas of 6 upper divi s ion units each are necessary fo r the Major. The foll owing are the area o ptions: Communi cati ons , Engli sh Language 350 , French , German , Greek , Lite rature, Phil osophy , and Spanish.
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