Department of Mathematical Sciences
Professor: Lu (chairman) Associate Professor: Thurber
An attempt is made at Bio la Co ll ege to bring together in the one department of mathematical sc iences what many univers iti es offer in severa l different departments. The student is allowed considerable flexibility in the maj or depending upon his vocational or professional goals. The department has ava il able a General Automation 18/30 computer. Objecti ves: The department e ndeavors to provide courses basic to discovering the laws and me thods of mathematical sc iences as well as an introduction to the concepts and techniques of automatic computati on , optimal decision making, probabilistic modeling, and sta ti stical inference . Department Major: All majors are required to take a core curricu lum of I05 , I06 , 205 , 294, 3 15 , 32 1 o r 33 1, 322 , 332, and one sec ti on of 333. Specific requirements beyond the core curri culum are 206, 305 , and one section o f 420 for those pl anning to teach ; 206 , 305 , 410 (Advanced Calculus) and 430 (Comp lex Variables) fo r those wishing to puruse grad uate st udies in mathematics; and 200 , 20 I , and 4 10 (Set Theory and Logic) fo r those desiring an app l ied emphasis. Department Minor: Students wis hing a minor in mathematics should consult with department adv isors. The basic curriculum for a minor is I05, 106 , 200 or 20 I , 205, 294, and two courses from those numbered 32 1-333 . The general ed ucati on requirement for a fo rei gn language for those follo~ing a Mathematical sc ie nces major may be met by two years of hi gh schoo l language or the first four units of a co ll ege language. 101 PRECALCULUS MATHEMATICS (3) Sets, the real number sys tem , rel at ions , functions , graphs . algebra ic processes, inequalities , tri gonometr ic func ti ons, matrices , and determinants , complex numbers exponential and logarithmic functions, introduction to seq uences, ser ies, probability, and sta ti sti cs. Prerequisite: 3 years of high schoo l mat hematics or consent. Cannot be counted toward the major. 105 . ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY AND CALCULUS I (4) An introduc ti on to analytical geometry, differentiation , and integ rati on of polynomial functi ons , with applications. Prerequi site: 4 years of high schoo l mathemat ics or consent. 106 ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY AND CALCULUS II (4) Differentiation and integrati on of trigonometric , logarithmic, and ex ponential functions , various methods of integration , and vectors in the plane. Prerequi si te: 105. 111 FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICS (3) Set theory , re lations and functi ons , number systems and algebraic st ructures , numeration systems , elementary number theory , mathematical systems, concepts of probability, introduction to statistics , informa l geometry. Designed for prospec tive elementary school teachers and to fulfill liberal arts requirements. Cannot be counted toward the majo r. E ither semester. 200 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS (3) Uses for elec troni c computers , computer arithmetic and data rep resentation; internal operation and storage, programming , basic computer instructions, FORTRAN-elementary features , elementary COBOL; app lication to statistics , Iife sc ience , business , soc ial science. Laboratory fee: $5 .00 . 201 INTRODUCTION TO PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS (3) Nature of stat istical methods , description of sampl e data , fundamental concepts of probability , probability distribution , sampling , estimation, correlation and regression; application to life sc ience , business and eco nomics , education , engineering , health , insurance , soc ial sc iences .
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