
Department of Missions

Assoc iate Professo rs: Cook (direc tor), Kwast

The objectives of the Miss ions Depa rtme nt are: I) To enabl e every stu dent to demonstrate a know ledge and understand ing of the theolog ical, hi storica l, soc io logical, anth ropo logical, and linguist ic issues of mi ss ions. 2) To enabl e every stude nt to demonst rate a personal res pons ibil ity to the mandate given by the Lord Jesus Chri st to make d isc ip les of every nation . 3) To enabl e every student completing the majo r to demonstrate competency as a career missio­ nary in the areas of theo logy , soc io logy, his tory , anthropo logy , and lingui stics as they re late to mi ss ions . 4) To make ava il abl e an info rmati on center whi ch will answe r inqu iries concerning mi ss ions. 5) To demonstrate that all those in the Department are obedient to the Lord , as ev idenced by the fru it of the Spirit in the ir li ves , so that they will car ry out His program of d isc ip ling all peoples. The Miss ions Department recommend s three d istinct programs preparatory to mi ss ionary ac ti vity. These programs are the fo llow ing: 1. BIBLE-MISSIONS PROGRAM 2. CHRISTIAN EDUCA TION-MISSIONS PROGRAM These programs combine a major in Bibl e or Chri sti an Educati on with the electives taken under the direct ion of the Department of Miss ions . These e lecti ves include Anthro-Lingu istics 30 I , 3 11 ; History 428; Phil osophy 40 I ; Soc io logy 404 , 405; and six add iti ona l uni ts in appropriate areas. 3. SOCIAL SCIENCE MAJOR (Miss ions emphas is) Thi s maj or , wi th a mi ss ions emphas is consists of 30 units , of which 24 must be upper di vis ion: A 15-unit co ncentrati on in Hi story of Soc iology and six units in the remai ning fi e ld: six un its· in Anthro-Lingui stics, and three units from a ny are in the Div ision. Anthro-Lingui stics 30 I , 3 11 , Hi story 427 , Soc io logy 404 and 405 are req uired. The student is urged to consult the Departme nt of Mission s when pl anning hi s course of stud y . Departmenr Minor : The missions minor cons ists of 18 units , including Anthro -Linguistics 30 I , 3 11 ; History 427; Philosophy 40 I ; and Soc io logy 404 , 405 . Course selec ti ons made under the guidance of the Department. Courses direc tl y related to mi ss ions are offered in several other departments and are included in the li st below . ANTHRO-LINGUISTICS 301 GENERAL CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY (3) Nature of culture; cultural growth and hi story; the range of cultural phenomena , including material culture, social organi zati on , religion , language, and related topics . ANTHRO-LINGUISTICS 311 GENERAL LINGUISTICS (3) Descriptive and hi storical study of language , linguist ics analys is; language class ification, language in its cultural and soc ial settings . BIBLE 300 EARLY CHRISTIAN HISTORY-ACTS (3) The book of Acts with spec ial emphas is on the mi ssionary philosophy and acti vit y o f early church and its current application.


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