
DOCTRINE 470 DOCTRINAL RESEARCH (1-3) Research methods employed in the so luti on of specific doctrinal problems. Sections offered every year in areas such as Biblical Authority, Contemporary Problems , Missions , Prophetic Problems , Doctrinal Bibliography. HISTORY 428 HISTORY OF THE EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY (3) The background, origin, development , and spread of the Christian religion; emphas is on the modern era. MISSIONS 312 JEWISH MISSIONS (2) The history of the Jews, their festival s and customs, their fundamental beliefs; effective methods of evangel izat ion . MISSIONS 314 VARIANT RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS (3) Survey of var ious re ligious movements in America with an ana lysis of their distinctive differences when compared with hi sto rical Christianity. MISSIONS 401 , 402 PRACTICUM SEMINAR (1-3, 1-3) Supervised exposure to basic princip les in the areas of disease prevention, communication with supporters, photography , graphi c arts, mechanics , construction, bookkeeping , and related subjects. Designed for the studen t who is planning on a career in missions. MISSIONS 470 SEMINAR IN MISSIONS (1-3) Fundamental theo logical issues in Missions today , including: position of missions in Old and New Testaments, what role missions shou ld play in church , relationship between missions and evange li sm, relationship of evangelism to social act ion , individu al convers ion versus mass movements, and relationship of new churches to founding church. · PHILOSOPHY 401 PHILOSOPHY OF WORLD RELIGIONS (3) The philosophies and beliefs of the world's leadi ng re ligions. SOCIOLOGY 404 SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND CHURCH GROWTH I (3) Sociological structures and their relationship to the principles and practices of church expansion. SOCIOLOGY 405 SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND CHURCH GROWTH II (3) Principles and practices of church expa nsion appl ied to an individual case study of a church. Prerequisite: 404. SOCIOLOGY 407 SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND CHURCH PLANTING (3) Sociological struc tures and their relationship to the principles and practices of church estab lishment.


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