Scholarships: Music scho larships and performance awards in various amounts are available to qualified students. Complete informati on is available by writing: Chairman, Music Scholarship Committee, Biola Co ll ege, 13800 Avenue, La Mirada, CA 90639 . Majors: A profess ional degree (Bachelor of Music) is offered wi th emphas is in one of the fo ll ow ing areas : applied music, composition , and music ed ucation. A non-professional degree (Bachelor of Arts) with a major in music is offered. Cand idates for the Bachelor of Music degree are exempt from the general educat ion requirement in foreign language, literature, and need take only five units in mathematics and/or sc ience. All Bachelor of Music candidates must complete a basic core of 51 units of music which consi sts of the following: Music IOI , 103, 104,20 1,202,203,204,221 ,301 ,302,305 ,306 ,3 13 , 401 , 402 ,'applied music (princ ipal instrument) 8 units , app lied music (secondary instrument ) 4 units and ensemble 8 units. The remaining units in music are to be taken by ad vi sement with the following stipulations under stood: I . Students with emphasis in applied music must complete a minimum of 21 units in thei r princ ipal instrument as we ll as appropri ate literature and pedagogy . Applied students must also perform a junior recital (30 minutes) and a senior recital (60 minutes). 2. Students with emphas is in composition must take 31 I , 3 12 , 403 , 4 11 , and 412 . 3 . Students with emphas is in music education must complete the music education workshops as well as appropriate level music ed ucati on courses. The total music units required in the Bachelor of Music program is as rollows: Applied Music 76 Composition 76 Music Education 6 Bachelor of Arts candidates mus·t complete 55 units in music including 101 , 103, 104,20 1,202 , 203 , 204,301 ,302,305 , 306,401 , 402; app lied music, 8 units; ensembl e, 6 units. Special note: Non-music majors are limited to a maximum of eight units of credit as electives in app lied music (i ncl uding ensembl es). MUSIC COURSES 50 A, B, - INTRODUCTION TO THE KEYBOARD (1) Designed forthe non-music maj or . Notation reading, technique , rhythm, interpretation, sight-reading designed to develop general keyboard facility. 60 A, B, - VOICE CLASS (1) For the student with no previous voice training who desires to study applied music. 70 A, B, - ORGAN CLASS (1) For the student with no previous organ training. Basic keyboard and pedal technique . Pipe organ construction and repertoire. Prerequisite: ability to play hymns on piano. 80 A, B, - CLASS INSTRUCTION Class instruction in various instruments other than voice , piano, or organ such as guitar and recorder. 90 APPLIED MUSIC (1-2) Applied instruction for non-music majors and for music majors, secondary instrument . Instruction in piano , organ, harpsichord , voice, brass instruments, string instruments, woodwind instruments , percussion instruments , conducting, composition, and hymn playing.
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