100 APPLIED MUSIC - PRIVATE (1-2) Private in struc ti on offered to mus ic maj ors in the fo ll owing: Piano, organ , harps ichord , voice , brass instrument s, string instrument s, woodwind instruments , pe rcuss ion instrume nts, co nduc ting, com pos iti on . 101 INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC (3) Element s of music and media of pe rfo rmance in hi storica l perspec ti ve. Pro vides bas ic background in mus ic literature. Secti ons fo r those with musical acqu aint ance and those without. Offered each semester. 103 MUSIC THEORY-AURAL EMPHASIS (2) Des ig ned for e nte ring music students with minimal or average background in mus ic theory. Emphas is on recogniti on , d ic tati o n a nd singing of major/mino r scales , intervals and tri ads with co ll ateral exercises in notation and timbre disc rimin ati on. Performance exerc ises in s impl e/compound mete rs
and stand ard rhythmic concepts . Three hours each week. 104 MUSIC THEORY-AURAL EMPHASIS (2)
Continuation of Music 103 , but with mo re emphasi s on sight -s inging . Int roduc tion to changing meters , additi ve rhythms , c ross rh ythms, and imp rov isati on. Minimal termina l perfo rmance: ability to identi fy, dictate and s ing a ll major and minor sca les , all s imp le interva ls in iso lati on within the compass o f an oc tave, all triad s , and pe rfo rm exerc ises in simple and compound mete rs . Three hours each week. Prerequisite : 103. 141 , 142 DICTION I AND II (1) Princ iples of pronunciation and enunc iati on of English , Itali an, ecc les ias tical Latin , French , German and Spani sh tex ts; use of the Internati ona l Phoneti c Alphabet. 150 A, B, PIANO PROFICIENCY (1) Literature , technique, scales , harmoni zati on, s ight reading and transpos iti on. Thi s co urse is des igned to prepa re the student fo r the pi ano profic iency examinati on. C lass instructi on. 200 APPLIED MUSIC - PRIVATE (1-2) Pri vate instructi on offered to mus ic maj o rs in the fo ll owing : Pi ano , organ, harps ichord , vo ice , brass instruments , string instrume nts , woodwind instrume nts , pe rcussion instruments , conduc ting , and compositi on. Prerequis ite : 100 . 201 MUSIC THEORY-WRITTEN EMPHASIS (2) Diatoni c harmony , me lodic constructi on non-cho rd tones , harmoni zati on of me lodies , four-part writing . Introduc tion to Schenker ian anal ys is , harmo ni zatio n o f me lodies , c reati ve projec t. Prerequi s ite : 104. 202 MUSIC THEORY-WRITTEN EMPHASIS (2) Seventh and ninth chords , modul ati on , secondary dominant chords. Prerequi site: 20 I. 203 MUSIC THEORY-AURAL EMPHASIS (1) S inging , at sig ht , of advanced me lodic mate rial s such as c lass ical , fo lk, and hymn tunes, canons; dictation of 2 and 3 part contrapuntal passages . 204 MUSIC THEORY-AURAL EMPHASIS (1) Singing, at sight , of advanced me lod ic materi als of greater difficulty; dictatio n of 2, 3 and 4 part contrapuntal passages; dic tation of vertical harmo ni c passages such as choral es a nd hymn tunes. 221 CHURCH MUSIC (1) The use o f mus ic in wo rship , fe ll owship and evange lism. Mus ic for the congregation , organ, instruments and cho irs . 250 A, B, PIANO PROFICIENCY (1) See desc ription under 150 A , B .
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