300 APPLIED MUSIC - PRIVATE (1-3) Private instruction offered to music majors in the fo ll owing: Piano , organ , harpsichord, voice, brass instruments, string instruments, woodwind instruments , percussion instruments, conducting, and composition. Prerequisite: 200. 301 MUSIC THEORY-WRITTEN EMPHASIS (2) Chromatic harmony , modulation , and structura l aspects of music of the nineteenth century. Sixtee nth cen tu ry counterpoint. Prerequi site: 202. 302 MUSIC THEORY-WRITTEN EMPHASIS (2) Eighteenth century co unterpoint . Twentieth century harmony and counterpoi nt . Prerequisite: 30 I. 305 MUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE (3) The history of music from the pre-Christian era through the early classic period. Prerequisite: 101. 306 MUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE (3) The hi story of music from the late classic period to the present ; Prerequisite: IOI . 311,312 COMPOSITION (2,2) Original work in vocal and instrumental forms. Offered on ly on a private instructional basis . Prerequisite: 302. 313 CONDUCTING (3) Basic conduct ing ski ll s; the psychology of conducting; observation of choral and orchestral rehear sa ls. (Advanced conduc ting, choral or instrumental , is avail able by private arrangement. ) 314 SOUND STUDIO TECHNIQUES (2) Instruction and laboratory work in producing professional quality recordings in accousticall y varying spaces. Open to all interested students 315 COMPOSING WITH TAPE RECORDERS (1) Stimulation of thought processes. to the possibilities of tape composition through the playing of many tape pieces and development of aural discrimination through class critique of tape compos itions. (Primaril y a laboratory courses with the student objective of creating two tape pieces utili zing splic ing and mixing techniques.) Open to all interested st ud ents. 316 ELEMENTARY MUSIC WORKSHOP (2) Instruction in materials and procedures for teaching music in the elemen tary school. (Non-music majors by permission) 319 PHILOSOPHY OF MUSIC EDUCATION (3) An investigation of philosophies of music ed ucat ion and the resulting aestheti c implications for teaching music in all grades. (Mus ic majors) 320 INSTRUMENTAL WORKSHOPS: (1) ,,-:-, 1//vs,c Vrt,,1. 7 ruc A. Brass; B. Percussion; C. Strings; D. Woodwinds. ,:,reparati on for teaching instrumental music in elementary and secondary schools. Instruction in the techniqu es of correct production and care of the instruments. Method and procedures for teaching beginning students. ;-350 A, B ADVANCED KEYBOARD SKILLS CLASS (1) Development of sk ill s for church and c lass room . Harmo ni zation . s igh t reading , transpos ition , modulation , improvisation , score reading. Class instruction. 400 APPLIED MUSIC - PRIVATE (1-3) Private instruct ion offered to music majors in the fo ll owing: Piano , organ, harpsichord , voice, brass instruments, str ing instruments, woodwind instruments , percussion instrumen ts, co nducting, and composition. Prerequisite: 300. G2\ 93
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