
401 ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES (2) Analys is of music : moti ve, phrase, period; bin ary, tenary, rondo, and sonata-all egro fo rms. 402, 403 ORCHESTRATION (2 , 2) Range , technique, and transpos ition of orchestral instruments. Exerc ises in orches trati on. Prerequi s­ ite: 302. 411 , 412 COMPOSITION (2, 2) Original wo rk in vocal, instrumental, and orchestral fo rms . Offered only on a private instructional bas is. Prerequisite: 302. 420 SPECIAL STUDIES IN MUSIC LITERATURE (2) An indepth study of music literatu re as it re lates to spec ific instruments, ensembl es, periods of hi story, geographi cal location, ind ividual composers or ethni c groups. One or more secti ons offered every year in areas such as pi ano literature, choral literature , song literature , organ literature , instrumental literatu re (strings, woodwinds, brasses, percuss ion instruments ), American music , the symphony, the string quartet , the concerto, the sonata, etc . 430 PEDAGOGY (2) For the pri vate teacher. Practical proced ures in training a student in general music ianship , memoriza­ tion, proper practice habits, sight-read ing and other areas pec uliar to speci fi c instruments. Survey of graded Iiteratu re and methods. One or more sections will be offered each semester in areas such as: piano, organ, voice, orchestral instruments . 440 SPECIAL STUDIES IN CHURCH MUSIC (3) One or more secti ons offered period icall y such as: Church Music History, Church Music Philosophy, and Church Music Mini stries. Church Music History: Music in the Bible; hi storical development of traditional orders of worship; orders of worship in non-liturgical churches; the writing and use of hymns; hymn tunes; the use of choirs and instruments . Church Music Philosoph y: The Biblical found ati on of church music; the psychology of wo rship; the mini stry of the d irec tor and organi st; congregati onal partic ipation; current trends in church music. Church Music Ministries: The development of a church music program; graded choirs ; the relation of the director of musical ministries to the congrega tion, the music committee , and the pastor; music budgets; music in the church school ; musi c for wo rship , evangelism, and fellowship ; church music and the arts; probl ems in church music. 470 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-4) Ind ependent study in areas such as history , literature, pedogogy, church music , etc. Each student ass igned to a facul ty member for guidance and evaluati on. Prerequisite: Juni or or Seni or standing and consent of instruc tor. Either semester. Ensembles BIOLA CHORALE (1) Performance of choral literature representing a variety of styl es and periods. Membership by audition (60- 70 members). CHAMBER MUSIC ENSEMBLE (1) Encompasses a wide variety of chamber groupings and chamber music literature. The fo llowing ensemble combinations are commonl y organi zed under this heading: Brass ensembl es, quintents, quartets , trios , etc .; wind ensembles, quintents, quartets, trios , etc. ; piano ensembles, two piano repertoire and chamber musi c . Open to keyboard and other instrumental students by audition.


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