CHAMBER SINGERS (1) Perfo rmance of traditi onal and contemporary choral compositions including works sung in forei gn languages and with instrumental accompaniment. Limited enro llment by auditi on ( 16-24 members) . LA MIRADA SYMPHONY (1) Open by audition to string, woodwind , brass , and percussion perfo rmers . ORATORIO CHORUS (0) Per fo rmance of major choral compos itions, offered occasionall y . Open to all students. STAGE BAND WORKSHOP (1) To prov ide Music Educati on majors and other interested stud ents experience in jazz techniques and literatu re . A large volume and a wide variety of literature is pl ayed , discussed , and evaluated as to its prospecti ve use at the various levels of secondary and collegiate education. At least one public performance per semes ter is schedul ed . Membership by auditi on . STRING ENSEMBLE (1) To provide string majo rs and other capabl e students with experience in ensemble techniques and literature; to fo rm a nucleus for chamber orches tral perfo rmance, espec iall y in co njunction with departmental choral ensembles. Membership by audition. SYMPHONIC BAND (1) To provide experience in ensembl e techniques and performance of band literature for band instrument majors and other capable students . Membership by audition.
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