Department of Nursing
Professor: Soubirou (chairman) Associate Professors: Fuller, Kilander , Neumann , Roberts Assistant Professors: Alvandi , Fleeger, Jensen Instructor: Haslam
Biola College offers a Bachelor of Science degree program in nursing whi ch is acc redited by the Cali fornia Board of Nurs ing Educat ion and Nurse Registration and by the National League for Nursing. The program is designed to prepare for a career in profess ional nursing in all areas throughout the wo rld . Grad uates of hospita l d iploma programs or assoc iate degree programs in nursing may be adm itted as transfer students. Nursing c lini cal experiences are provided wi th the cooperat ion of loca l hospita ls as well as hospitals and agencies th roughout both Los Ange les and Orange Counties. Upon comple ti on of the nursing program, the graduate will be e ligib le to take the examinati on required by the Ca li fo rni a Board of Nursing Educati on and Nurse Reg istrati on for licensure as a regi stered nurse , and qualify for certificat ion as a public hea lth nurse. The nursing program offers a background in the ph ys ical and soc ial sc iences , the humanities , Biblical studies, and in nursing ed ucati on. It can be compl eted in five academic yea rs , o r fo ur cale nd ar years , by a qualified hi gh schoo l graduate. or in approximate ly three academic years by a qua! ified assoc iate degree transfer stude nt. Placement exami nati ons for advanced standi ng , whether in the physical and soc ial sc iences or in nursing, must be compl eted before the student may register in the first c linical nurs ing cou rse. Students wishing to transfer from ot he r nursing programs or who are appl ying for the first time to a nurs ing program are e valuated individuall y. Both acceptance to a nd cont inuation in the nursing major will be determined by the student 's preparation , performance , and persona l qualities as assessed by the faculty of the Department of Nu rsing. Philosophy: In accord with the Chri st ian be! ief of the Co ll ege , the philosophy of the School of Nursing has as its center the Christian phil osophy of the love of God fo r man in his depravity , man's human dignity, and the recognition of man' s spiritual pote nti a l. Professional nurs ing is described as promot ing optimum hea lth fo r individuals , the family , and community through preventive , curat ive or restorat ive, supporti ve and rehab ilitative nursing care. It is a process utili zing an extended , ratio na l and sy nthes ized body of sc ientific knowledge as a frame of reference in assessing , di agnosing, intervening in and resolving nursing care problems. This is done in co ll aborat ion with the individual , fam il y, health team and community. The Present and Emerging Roles of the Professional Nurse Believ ing that the present and emerg ing roles of the profess ional nurse in today ' s soc iety focus on the health needs of the indi vidu al , the famil y, and the community , the curriculum has been developed around a health-illness nursing mode l with thi s defi nite refl ec ti on. The program also focuses on today's world in an ever- widening c irc le. It inc,Iudes the multipl e role of the nurse in meeting these needs. The professional nurse sets a goa l of nursing intervention to ass ist the patient or famil y to attain the highest level of wellness in the physical , cogniti ve, emot iona l , soc io-c ultural , and spiritual areas. The profess ional nurse is seen not on ly as one who gives care, but a lso as a leader who organi zes direct patient care, coordinates health services, teaches, pl ans community health , does research to continue exploring ways of improving nursing knowledge and ab iliti es, and who can explain and use princ ipl es from physical and behav ioral sciences and nursing theory to support nurs ing actions.
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